My first shot at writing on Medium — The Card Competition

Haneefah Abdul-Rahman Lekki
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2019

This is my first shot at writing an article on Medium and I decided it should be about the Ingressive Card Competition.

Regularly, Ingressive organizes a project for its community as a way of giving back and keeping the community engaged. This time was no different except that I was assigned the task.

Ingressive has built a well-modeled system where everyone fits, starting from night school graduates down to tech startups. Fundamentally, I believe building an inclusive Tech ecosystem is very crucial. The major purpose is to create an enabling environment that drives inclusive growth. A community that reflects the diversity of the African culture and population and at the same time solve its own needs.

The core of what makes Ingressive is its community model, which is why 90% of what we do is to provide for the African Tech ecosystem. In return, we take pleasure in seeing the community grow and our members succeed.

As I mentioned earlier, as part of our contribution to the community, we organized a business card design competition. We wanted designs that stood out from the crowd through some combination of originality, beauty, cultural and business impact. The competition started on May 14, 2019, and the applicants had 5 days to create a unique card. Although, the deadline was shifted to 2 days later due to the requests for more time.

The top 3 designs for the Ingressive design competition

The top 3 designs were picked by Akanbi Bolatito, Head designer at Ingressive. A public vote was then made on our twitter account and the best design was voted for. The winner got the contract of designing the official business card for Ingressive. Plus, finalists mentions got featured on the Ingressive Newsletter and acknowledgments that they have created one of the best designs in the world.

