Inhabiting the Extreme World
5 min readJan 10, 2021

The relation between clean water and food

As we all know, 97% of the world’s water is unusable for humans and farming. 2% of the remaining 3 is ice around the poles. That leaves 1% for all life on earth to sustain itself. In a rapidly changing world this raises the concerns of running out of clean water. Technically we can’t run out of clean water thanks to water cycle. The distribution of this clean water is the problem. 92% of the clean water consumption goes to agriculture. To feed the growing population we use more and more water each day. This big of a percentage changes ecology, infrastructure and public health in a major way. There needs to be a balance because if we don’t change the way we eat, 20 more countries are expected to face clean water problems by the year 2040. So what can we do? We can start by changing the amount of meat we eat. Studies show that switching to vegetarian lifestyle can decrease the water consumption by 41%.

Food productions effects on ecological sustainability

We use natural resources savagely to feed the growing population. This is a great threat to the environment. With food industry modifying animals and crops, our cities using valuable farmlands as settlements and using resources without a plan, carbon footprint is at its highest in world history and some scientists say we have passed a point of no return. We are left with one choice and that is to change the way we produce food. Our modern standards are not sustainable. If we keep on taking advantage of the nature rather than adapting a friendly life style, we’re going to end it for good.

Food’s effects on public health

As humanity progresses, the food we eat also changes heavily. With the dystopic looking food capsules and protein bars on the horizon, many of us are questioning the humane side of things. Access to healthy and natural food must be a human right but according to UN, it is written as “people have the rights to food”. It doesn’t say anything about the food being natural. This might cause some legal loopholes in poor countries in the next years since there’re laws protecting corporates and not the people, this is a threat to public health because our food goes through many chemical and industrialized processes. It is no surprise that the food-related sickness rates are on the rise.

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and foods

Advances in biotechnology have made gene transfer possible between organisms. These organisms are called genetically modified organisms. By applying GMO on foods, products that provide efficiency are produced. For example, seedless grape production, lactose-free milk production, increasing the proportion of vitamin A in rice which is called as a golden rice. GMO products have useful aspects, such as improving the nutritional values of food, extending shelf life of fruits and vegetables, eatable vaccine and medication production. On the other hand, it can also have negative effects related to food safety, allergic and toxic effects, violation of consumer rights, cultural and ethical problems. The GMO technology is fairly new and it is still unknown how long-term outcomes will work. Therefore, these products should be examined in detail before they are put into use. In addition, the laws that control the process must be followed and public awareness must be raised.

A study for alternative nutrition ‘In Vitro Meat’

Ethical concerns arising from the treatment animals have led people to alternative diets like vegans and vegetarians. Other problems with meat are high costs and the destruction of the natural environment. These reasons have led scientists to work on in vitro meat. These reasons have led scientists to work on in vitro meat. In vitro meat is the production of edible animal muscle by culturing muscle cells in a controlled environment. These reasons have led scientists to work on in vitro meat. In vitro meat is the production of edible animal muscle by culturing muscle cells in a controlled environment. Since meat production is controllable, diseases caused by microorganisms in animal meat can also be prevented. For example, diseases such as swine flu, avian flu and covid-19 are known to be caused by animals. Also, because meat grows in a controlled environment, its nutritional values can also be increased. Due to these, a competition between butchers and laboratories may occur in the near future.

Food preservation and methods

Food must be constantly available. Therefore, food needs to be preserved in order to prolong this process. Various methods such as heating, freezing and drying are used as protection method. However, these methods may be insufficient. With the advancement of technology, various methods are developed for the preservation of foods. Such as, hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric field (PEF), ohmic heating and radiation. These methods are more effective than traditional methods. Therefore, more development and use of these technologies is necessary for healthier and functional foods.

Food is a crucial part of our lives and it’s changing. From what we eat, how we eat it to what we do to it. Despite the benefits of having genetically modified food and meat production in labs, nobody is sure where the future of food is going. One thing we know is that we need to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. Are we living a sustainable life? Do we need conventional meat? Are we doing good for humanity?


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