How Was Our Planet Formed?

Can Cofus
Inhabiting the Extreme World
5 min readJan 10, 2021

Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas known as a solar nebula. Gravity collapsed the material in on itself as it began to spin, forming the sun in the center of the nebula. With the rise of the sun, the remaining material began to clump up. The solar wind swept away lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium, from the closer regions, leaving only heavy, rocky materials to create smaller inland worlds like Earth.

Life with an estimated 3.8 billion years of existence in evolution on earth it’s an odd thing indeed. So, how did we get here?
A simple cell engulfs another, creating a symbiotic relationship and the first eukaryotic cells, or cells with internal organs. These cells begin to form colonies, and thus, the first multi-cellular life develops. Then Jellyfish begins to take place with incredible diversification. And plants begin to appear on land, followed by land mammals.

After the age of mammals, apes split from the old world monkeys. And humans emerged.
The Neolithic Revolution, beginning around 10,000 BCE, saw the development of agriculture, which fundamentally changed the human lifestyle. Farming permitted far denser populations, which in time organized into states. The development of agriculture allowed the creation of the first cities. These were centers of trade, manufacturing, and political power. Cities established a symbiosis with their surrounding countrysides, and varying degrees of military control and protection.

Furthermore, people in these developing societies did the best they could in drawing conclusions about the world beyond them. Every society had its stories about creation, each with a different twist. People believed that all movement was the product of will. They had no sense of social progress or image of humanity’s talents beyond their abilities. Had it been otherwise, modern society would have appeared much sooner.

Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements.


The early distribution of political power was determined by the availability of fresh water, fertile soil, and temperate climate of different locations. These were all necessary for the development of highly organized societies. Both Egypt and Mesopotamia had been able to take advantage of their large river systems, enabling higher productivity in agriculture and thereby sustaining surpluses and population growth. In ancient history, civilizations did not have definite boundaries as states have today, and their borders could be more accurately described as frontiers. Early dynastic Sumer and early dynastic Egypt were the first civilizations to define their boundaries.


The industrial revolution kick-started in the early 18th century and it was the time when Modern manufacturing started. Everything started to change around as the technology grew up steam engines were now running at a pace like never before. There were steam pumps plunging thermometers were invented, flying shuttle lightning rod are all inventions of the time when technology just touched the earth life.

As one of the inventions, the magnifying lenses were important in a different way, because it helped us to explore space with the telescope.

Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler employed the telescope to chart Earth’splace in the cosmos. These early uses were the first steps in the development of the Hubble Space Telescope.

How do we know the Earth is round?

Humans have known that Earth is round for more than 2000 years. The ancient Greeks measured shadows during the summer solstice and also calculated Earth’s circumference. They used positions of stars and constellations to estimate distances on Earth. They could even see the planets round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse
As one of the pioneers of modern science, Galileo revised the established Aristotelian and Ptolemaic ideas about a geocentric cosmos. He backed the Copernican theory that the universe was, with a stationary Sun at the center and planets (including Earth) revolving around the sun. Planets of the solar systems were naturally inclined to move in circles.

The early era of space exploration was driven by a ‘’space race’’ between the Soviet Union and the United States. The first human-made object to orbit Earth is Sputnik by the soviet union. The first moon landing is Apollo 11 by America. However, The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones;

1957- First living being in orbit
1961- First human spaceflight
1965- First spacewalk
1966- First automatic landing on another celestial body
1971- First space station SALYUT 1.

Written by Feyza Aybüke ZABUN & Can COFUS.

