Turn of the Tide

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!

Ahmed Elshamanhory
5 min readAug 28, 2020


My experience with Inheaden has been one of the best so far in my career life. The knowledge I have gained and the work I have done has really added to my experience and set the bar high for my perspective on team and work values. This experience has been so inspiring that I truly believe I should share the details of my Inheaden journey — my very first startup experience — that went above and beyond in such tough times.

When I had completed both my masters and student job, the job-hunting phase had begun almost instantly. I sat through several interviews and was lucky enough to get accepted to many big multinational companies. I was ecstatic and more than ready to begin my career life.

But as the Covid-19 situation escalated, it all came to a halt, just like everything in the world did. It was the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic era and the pause button for everything else in my life.

All the job offers that I had got suspended, and things didn’t really work themselves out with time. Everything just seemed so blurry. Before I knew it, I had locked myself down, with the rest of the world, along with my future, my plans, and my dreams.

It seemed like my life had slowed down to a complete standstill. And as closed in as I felt, it also felt like I was lost in this vast, endless ocean, all the while when I just sat on that chair in my living room, thinking about my plans and future. I didn’t know what to do, or even where to start. And with no plans, I knew my resources were running out as well.

Alone with my restless thoughts, it was a decision to sink or swim.

I chose to surf!

The lockdown gave me enough time — and plenty of time it was- to think over my current situation. It felt like I really had hit rock bottom. My inability to find a job back then was not the only reason that put me in such a dark place. I reflected on my career expectations, and my previous experience and reached some interesting conclusions.

You see, I used to work in a well-known German automated manufacturer and supplier when I held a student job, and I wasn’t satisfied. I really lacked spirit in the tasks that were assigned to me and there was absolutely no space for creativity where I was.

I wanted something that’s simple in theory- to be happy with what I do for a living, to feel secure and motivated where I work.

Luck was on my side when I got the chance to meet Dennis Kohl, the CEO of Inheaden, which was a relatively new Software Development Startup in Darmstadt. I’ve never had any previous experience with startups before. I had my interview with Dennis, it was more of a friendly chat than an official interview. I had the chance to clear up any doubts I had or ask any questions that were on my mind. I inquired about the company’s vision and how I could have a chance to grow. As I listened, I knew that Inheaden had a clear road map, with the potential to be successful and sustainable.

And for the first time, I was asked ‘’What do YOU want to do?’’.

It was a million-dollar question because it put no limits whatsoever on what I could do or learn.

I really had no software engineering background. But I felt motivated and curious to learn something new.

The experience that I had studying in TU Darmstadt really added to my analytical ability and structured thinking. I studied Robotics and Simulation, and even though it isn’t directly associated with Software Engineering and Web Development, the experience proved versatile. The overall integration into various Software Engineering frameworks and tools proved to be smoother.

I was ambitious enough to self-learn, and the work atmosphere at Inheaden certainly added to that. I had a space for creativity. For the very first time, I felt truly inspired and free. I feel happy getting up in the morning every day for work and even catch myself not cursing when the alarm goes off. The working hours are really flexible as well, and they have a remote working policy that has made everyone’s life easier!

Work became a passion, not an obligation and I feel so privileged to be able to say that.

In my former company, I never really felt included in the company’s vision. I felt like a gear in a big machine where I only had to spin, just do the job repetitively and go home. It was discouraging, to have no space for innovation or creativity.

The first time I had heard the term ‘’Idea Factory’’ was at Inheaden, where if any team member has a cool innovative idea, no matter how crazy or bizarre it is, you just add it to the never-ending list and see where it takes you!

I feel so lucky that I found the right environment that I was looking for all my career life. I now see myself and my job in a way that I’ve never seen before. I happily deliver tasks even before deadlines, and I have discovered new potential within myself. I learn and discover new things every day.

I didn’t just surf with Inheaden. I turned my own tide.

Thank You for Reading!

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Inheaden is a young IT and software startup based in Darmstadt, Germany. As an “Idea and Tech Factory”, we have set out to be a driving force of innovation, digitization, and automation with a focus on the areas of services, products, and research. Under the Inheaden brand, we work on individual “high performance” software solutions that bring a change. Modern designs, innovative technology approaches, and IT security for our partners and customers are important components of our work profile.

