Does Your Business Need a Website?

Doesn’t matter if you’re a small or medium-sized business, the short answer is YES!

Maya Shenoy
4 min readJul 16, 2021


Between the advancements in technology and the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, our need and dependence on the internet has never been greater. As of April 2021, there are over 4.72 billion internet users, which accounts for roughly 60.1% of the world’s population (source). This number is only on the rise with every passing year, and a whopping 92.8% of users access the internet using their mobile devices.

As a business owner, having an online presence is no longer an option but a necessity. Many businesses maintain active social media accounts, but is that enough? Will building a website for your business make much of a difference to your company?

The short answer- YES. A website has so many uses and will open up a world of opportunities for any business out there, and here’s how-

You get to create your own narrative

The public’s perception of your company, your brand, and your products and services might differ from the mission and vision you have for yourself. While it is impossible to sway every person to think of your business the way you do, a website allows you to outline what your company stands for, what values build the foundation of all your products and services, and gives you a space to tell your story in your own words.

It’s also the perfect online location for you to go into more detail about your products and services themselves, giving the user the option to browse around and read up to their heart’s content.

You are legitimized in the eyes of your potential customers

People love reading customer testimonials. They’re also more likely to trust a brand that has many positive reviews and comes highly recommended by both friends and strangers rather than overeager salespersons (source).

A well-made website can include strategically placed snippets of various customer testimonials. Your website is also usually the first interaction the public has with your brand, and a good first impression can only further cement their trust in you.

You are accessible 24/7

Your website can contain all kinds of important information that is useful to your customers like location, contact number and email, products sold and services offered, etc. With this information available around the clock, you will never miss out on a client because your business will never officially be “closed”.

Even for a company that offers services exclusively- by giving your potential customers a user-friendly space to explore your brand at their own convenience, you are more likely to convert them into paying customers that actively seek your services!

You are better equipped to compete with industry giants

Every industry has certain competitors that have a monopoly over a large portion of the market. While it may seem daunting to compete with these industry giants, a business website can help you in this battle. Google searches are all about SEO optimization and the relevance of the user’s search words. If you keep tabs on current trends and update your keywords regularly, you will gain more visibility just because of how the algorithm works.

You can’t hope to compete with large, established businesses unless people can find you in the same places they find these companies. By exploiting your search engine potential, you’re placing your company in a position to be seen by the demographic that requires what you have to offer!

You will be making a great long-term investment

Building a website is no longer an expensive venture. With content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and SquareSpace, creating and maintaining a website on your own is very economical. If you have the budget for it though, getting a website built professionally and buying your domain name can make a huge positive impact on your credibility.

Websites are also cheaper than paid ads and other campaigns in the long run, because the more steam you pick up, the more you can fall back on your website rather than starting up new campaigns. Your website acts as an archive for all your past, present and future activities, and by directing your users to it, they have an opportunity to explore your company all in one place!

People often say that their business is doing great even without a website, so what could they possibly gain from building one now? The point of a website isn’t limited to increasing sales. It’s a way to make yourself more accessible, more user-friendly, and more credible in the eyes of your customers. And with how common it is to build websites today, there’s no reason you can’t go forth and get started right away!

Thank you for reading!

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Maya Shenoy

An engineer by degree, but a writer at heart.