How to Network in an Online World

Successfully navigating the complexities of online interaction

Maya Shenoy
6 min readJan 15, 2021


Networking is a great skill, but it isn’t the simplest one to master. It takes a good dose of courage and confidence to walk over to a complete stranger and start a conversation that is both meaningful and engaging, without being invasive or awkward. Even extroverts can struggle with understanding social cues and figuring out how to network in a way that creates lasting relationships. So when you take the art of networking and try to implement it virtually, things can seem pretty much impossible.

But the power of networking is incredible. A recent UK study revealed that up to 85% of new hires are made through networking! (Source) Successful networking can lead to some amazing opportunities, so the pandemic and the overall shift in the way people are networking right now shouldn’t stop you from going out there and establishing new connections. We have a few tips to help you get started:

Clear Goals Are Crucial

Trying to get in touch with someone you’ve never met via e-mail or telephone isn’t simple, and it doesn’t have the highest success rate. If you’re trying to catch the attention of someone with seniority, your chances slim down further. If — on top of all of this — you’re unable to articulate yourself clearly and concisely when given the opportunity, you’re just actively working against yourself.

So, step one while attempting to network successfully in an online world is to understand your goals and be very specific about them. If you’re not clear about your path, where you want to go, and where you see yourself in the next few years, others will neither be able to carve that path out for you nor have the time or patience to care. Spend the time to dig deep and understand your long-term vision before diving headfirst into the world of networking.

Start With Your Own Connections

Approaching your pre-existing connections is a great way to start your networking journey. The familiarity will make the process comfortable, and it will be great practice before you go out and pursue connections that are completely unfamiliar to you. Your prior connections can include current or past colleagues, your family members, your current or past classmates, and even your alumni.

Try to approach people that are in the same field as yours or a related field. Speak to them about their experiences and your own goals, and see where these conversations take you. Even if your pre-existing connections can’t help you too much, they might lead you to someone who can.

Exploit the Untapped Potential of LinkedIn

The beauty of LinkedIn is that it’s designed to help you further your professional career and assist you in landing a job or connecting you with the right people. Unlike other social media, LinkedIn has ‘connections’, not ‘friends’. Start by keeping your LinkedIn profile fully up-to-date. Make sure to curate your feed to include information on subjects that are relevant to your field and your overall goals. Follow the people that inspire you, and go-ahead and message people about their current journey, and subsequently, your own.

LinkedIn is filled with wonderful opportunities to network. When you update your profile, it notifies several people that might be interested in you, who may then look at your progress and reach out with some opportunities. Don’t wait for someone else to approach you though- be proactive and start messaging people from your contacts. Networking is all about putting yourself out there!

Start Thinking Globally

We live in a technologically advanced world, and our technology is only getting faster and better. Going virtual is the best way to exploit one of the biggest advantages of modern technology- the ability to bridge the gap of physical distance. We no longer have to send letters or spend lots of money on long-distance phone calls. With the power of the internet and social media, connecting with people anywhere in the world has never been easier.

So make sure to remember that when you try connecting with people! Don’t let their location stop you from reaching out to seek advice or contacts. With the heavy focus on remote work, it even makes sense to apply or look for jobs and connections far away from your current location. Make the most of the pandemic and don’t let it slow down your growth!

Host Your Own Events

This might sound like a demanding task, but with so many video conferencing applications out there, hosting your own virtual event is a very achievable goal. Start small- maybe do a test run or two with friends and family, to iron out the agenda, the flow of the events, and to get honest feedback. Once you’re confident, use social media to spread the word and make sure to invite some engaging speakers.

Workshops and conferences are great for meeting new people. It might seem a bit harder to do virtually, but with practice, you’ll find that it gets easier to approach people and break the ice. Although this is a bit of an advanced step, don’t shy away from it when you think you’re ready. Also remember to use platforms that are safe and secure, so you don’t compromise any sensitive data!

Focus on Establishing Meaningful Connections

It’s easy to forget sometimes that everyone is human, with messy human lives and the usual everyday problems. This applies to all levels of the professional ladder, from CEO to intern. Attempting to connect with someone because it’s relevant to your career is a valid reason to reach out, but remembering that they’re also distracted and caught up in their own problems lets you be empathetic. This empathy will allow you to build strong, meaningful relationships with people, which will help with more than just your career.

So don’t be impersonal and robotic while trying to approach people. Show them that you understand and care, and be sure to check in on people for reasons other than asking for a favour.

Networking can be exhausting and sometimes a little disappointing, but that’s ok. The important thing is to keep at it and to always remember that the person on the other side of the screen is also a human being, with real human emotions and issues. Be consistent in your efforts of networking, but don’t forget to be an empathetic, compassionate human being. And never underestimate the potential of networking with anyone- they might just lead you to the person that’ll change your life!

Thank You for Reading!

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Maya Shenoy

An engineer by degree, but a writer at heart.