35+ Specific ChatGPT Prompts to Help Build Your Resume

Published in
9 min readMay 10, 2024

Learn how to craft the perfect prompt

Photo courtesy of Cup of Couple

When artificial intelligence (AI) research organization OpenAI first rolled out ChatGPT in 2022, many people were wary of the AI generator, unsure of how it would affect the future of work, among other things. Reactions ranged from apprehension to awe, and the chatbot quickly became a trending topic on social media as users shared shockingly informative results from example prompts like, “Write a course overview on the psychology of decision-making,” and “Make a content strategy for a newsletter featuring free local weekend events.” Within five days of being available to the public, the chatbot had attracted more than one million users.

ChatGPT presents an especially unique tool for job seekers. Yet, according to InHerSight research, 86 percent of job seekers have never used AI in their job search. Adopting a new unfamiliar technology can be intimidating, but if you’re not taking advantage of every tool at your disposal, you’re likely missing out on valuable resources that can make your hunt more efficient.

If you need more convincing, a reassuring 64 percent of job seekers who have used AI in their job search say they’d definitely use it again. In a tight job market, here’s how ChatGPT can help build and streamline your resume.

6 ways ChatGPT can help with your resume

By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, you can create a well-crafted, stand-out resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and maximizes your chances of landing a job at a top company. Some of ChatGPT’s resume abilities include:

1. Content suggestions

ChatGPT can provide content suggestions for your resume based on your industry and career objectives. For example, if you work in tech, it might recommend highlighting programming languages, software tools, or project management methodologies relevant to your niche. It can also recommend key skills and accomplishments to highlight based on your experience level. For entry-level candidates, it might emphasize educational achievements, internships, or volunteer work, while for senior-level positions, it might focus on leadership experience, strategic initiatives, and executive accomplishments.

Example prompt:

I’m applying to my first software engineering role after finishing a coding bootcamp. What should I include in my resume?

Example Chat GPT response:

When crafting your resume for your first software engineering role post-bootcamp, prioritize showcasing your hands-on experience through projects, emphasizing the technical skills you’ve acquired. Highlight your coding bootcamp education prominently, and underscore your soft skills, like communication and problem-solving, to demonstrate your readiness for teamwork. If applicable, include any internships or freelance work to illustrate practical application of your coding abilities.

Read more: Why Aren’t More Women Chief Technology Officers? Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a CTO

2. Formatting advice

The ChatGPT bot can offer guidance on the formatting and layout of your resume to ensure it looks professional and is easy to read. It can suggest appropriate section headings to divide your content into distinct categories such as summary, experience, education, skills, and certifications, as well as any additional sections relevant to your industry or career objectives. You can also ask whether bullet points or paragraphs are more appropriate, if you need to make changes to your margins and whitespace, and which font you should select.

Example prompt:

I’m revising my resume for a graphic design position. What formatting and styling tips can you offer to make it visually appealing and professional?

Example Chat GPT response:

When refining your resume for a graphic design position, focus on creating a visually engaging layout that showcases your design skills. Consider using a clean and modern font such as Helvetica or Lato to ensure readability while still conveying a sense of creativity. Experiment with bold headings and subtle color accents to draw attention to key sections and create visual hierarchy. Incorporate whitespace strategically to improve readability and make important information stand out. Consider including a link to your online portfolio or website to provide employers with easy access to your work samples.

Read more: Should You Make a Video Resume? Experts Weigh In.

3. Language optimization

You can refine the language in your resume with the help of ChatGPT to make it more impactful and engaging. It can suggest powerful action verbs, quantifiable achievements, and more concise descriptions to better communicate your qualifications. For example, instead of saying, “ Responsible for managing a team,” ChatGPT might suggest more quantitative metrics such as, “ Managed a cross-functional team of 10 and exceeded project sales goals by 35 percent.” Keep in mind, though, ChatGPT doesn’t know your performance history, so you’ll have to fill in specific numbers.

Example prompt:

I’m updating my resume for a marketing manager position. How can I refine the language to make it more impactful and persuasive?

Example Chat GPT response:

Use persuasive language that highlights your ability to drive results and impact business outcomes. Start by incorporating action verbs such as “developed,” “executed,” and “achieved” to convey proactive and results-oriented accomplishments. Quantify your achievements whenever possible by including specific metrics, such as percentage increases in website traffic or revenue growth from marketing campaigns. Use persuasive language to describe your strategic initiatives and campaign successes, emphasizing your ability to generate leads, engage audiences, and drive conversions. Tailor your language to resonate with the company’s brand voice and target audience.

4. Customization for specific roles

No longer are the days when you can send in a general resume to every job you see on LinkedIn. Employers are looking for resumes tailored to their job descriptions, and ChatGPT can help customize your resume for specific applications by suggesting modifications to emphasize relevant skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position. It can analyze job descriptions for positions you’re interested in, identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking, and provide targeted recommendations to maximize alignment.

Example prompt:

I’m applying for a project management position in the construction industry. How can I tailor my resume to highlight my relevant experience and skills for this specific role?

Example Chat GPT response:

Start by emphasizing your project management experience, particularly any projects related to construction, infrastructure development, or property development. Highlight your ability to oversee project timelines, budgets, and resources, emphasizing your track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Showcase your knowledge of construction processes, regulations, and industry standards to demonstrate your understanding of the sector. If you have relevant certifications such as Project Management Professional (PMP) or Construction Project Management (CPM), be sure to include them.

5. Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization is crucial for ensuring that your resume gets noticed by the software employers use to automatically scan and sort job applications (called applicant tracking systems, or ATS) and human recruiters. ChatGPT can advise on incorporating relevant keywords and phrases that are commonly used in your industry to help your resume pass through ATS and improve its visibility to recruiters. And while it’s important to include keywords in your resume, it’s equally important to avoid keyword stuffing, which involves overloading your resume with excessive keywords. ChatGPT can help strike the right balance by recommending natural, contextually appropriate placements of keywords that enhance the readability of your resume.

Example prompt:

I’m updating my resume for a data analyst position. How can I incorporate relevant keywords to improve my resume’s chances of getting past an ATS?

Example Chat GPT response:

Start by carefully reviewing the job description for key terms and phrases related to data analysis, such as “data mining,” “statistical analysis,” “data visualization,” and “SQL.” Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout your resume, particularly in your summary statement, skills section, and job descriptions. Highlight your proficiency in data analysis tools and technologies, such as Python, R, Tableau, or Excel. Include keywords related to industry-specific knowledge areas, such as “business intelligence,” “predictive modeling,” or “data-driven decision making,” to demonstrate your expertise in the field.

6. Proofreading and editing

Ensuring your resume is professional, error-free, and well-organized is essential when applying to jobs. ChatGPT can review your resume for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as consistency in formatting and style, to ensure it’s polished. It can identify instances of awkward phrasing or unclear language and provide suggestions to enhance your resume’s coherence. You can also ask prompts about tone, helping you avoid overly casual language or inappropriate phrasing.

Example prompt:

I’ve updated my resume for a marketing position, but I want to make sure it’s free from errors before sending it out. Can you review my resume for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors?

Example Chat GPT response:

Absolutely! I’ll review your resume for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors to ensure it presents a polished and professional image. After reviewing your document, I’ll provide feedback and suggestions for any areas that may require improvement. Please upload your resume, and I’ll get started on the proofreading process right away.

All of the above can be achieved with a good prompt. It’s imperative to provide clear and concise information and offer relevant context to help the AI understand the background of your prompt. Good prompts include examples, parameters, job descriptions, and response criteria, such as a certain length or tone you’re looking for. Your questions can either be about general resume best practices or about your specific resume.

Read more: If You Can’t Find a Job, Do This to Fix Your Search

Best ChatGPT prompts for resume formatting and structure

1. “Are there any design elements or formatting choices I should avoid to ensure my resume is mobile-friendly?”

2. “Can you suggest strategies for optimizing my resume’s formatting to improve its chances of passing through an ATS?”

3. “How should I format multiple degrees under my educational background?”

4. “Is there a preferred font style and size for resumes?”

5. “Should I include personal interests or hobbies on my resume, and if so, where should I place them?”

6. “What’s the most effective way to list my work history: chronological or functional?”

7. “Can you help me condense lengthy paragraphs about my job experience into concise bullet points?”

8.”What’s the ideal amount of whitespace to include on my resume to make it visually appealing?”

9. “What is the best way to format my contact information and section headings?”

10. “How many bullet points should I include under each job position on my resume?”

Best ChatGPT prompts for content and writing style

11. “What are some key skills I should highlight for a software engineering position?”

12. “Can you suggest some accomplishments I can include under my project management experience?”

13. “What are some relevant certifications I should consider adding to my resume for a marketing role?”

14. “What are the most relevant keywords or skills missing from my resume for the job I’m targeting?”

15. “How can I effectively highlight my skills and accomplishments in my resume without making it too lengthy?”

16. “Can you suggest some action verbs to use on my resume?”

17. “What’s your advice on writing an objective statement at the top of my resume?”

18. “What’s the best way to incorporate keywords from the job description into my resume without sounding forced?”

19. “Should I include references on my resume, or is it better to provide them upon request?”

20. “What are some common clichés or overused phrases to avoid on a resume, and what should I use instead?”

Read more: ‘References Available Upon Request’ & 4 Other Things to Cut from Your Resume

Best ChatGPT prompts for tailoring to specific jobs and industries

21. “How can I tailor my resume to highlight my experience in project management for a construction job?”

22. “What should I emphasize on my resume for a customer service role in the hospitality industry?”

23. “Can you help me showcase my technical skills for a data analyst position?”

24. “What are the most sought-after skills and qualifications for roles in education?”

25. “I’m applying for a creative role. How can I make my resume visually appealing without sacrificing professionalism?”

26. “What’s the best way to showcase relevant volunteer work or extracurricular activities on my resume?”

27. “What are the key requirements and qualifications outlined in this job description, and how can I ensure my resume reflects them?”

28. “What language should I use in my objective statement to align with the expectations of employers in the tech industry?”

29. “How can I demonstrate my awareness of current trends and developments in healthcare on my resume?”

30. “Can you suggest industry-specific certifications or training programs that would enhance my qualifications for product design positions?”

Read more: Required Skills Aren’t Necessarily Required. Here’s What It Means to Be ‘Qualified’ for a Job

Best ChatGPT prompts for avoiding common mistakes

31. “Can you review my resume for any spelling or grammar errors?”

32. “Can you help me identify areas where I can improve the clarity and readability of my resume?”

33. “What are some common mistakes people make on their resumes?”

34. “What’s the appropriate length for a resume if I have extensive work experience spanning several years?”

35. “Should I include a photo of myself on my resume, or is it better to keep it strictly professional?”

36. “How can I explain my employment gap in my resume?”

About the author

Cara Hutto is the assistant editor at InHerSight. Her writing primarily focuses on workplace rights, job searching, diversity, and allyship, and she holds a bachelor’s degree in media and journalism from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Originally published at https://www.inhersight.com.




At InHerSight, our mission is to improve the workplace for women by measuring it.