Rakesh Upadhyay
Published in
6 min readAug 13, 2018


5 Powerful Ways to Generate Great Ideas for Your Blogs

Idea for content generation of blogs.

Do you own a website where you want to write content regularly but running out of ideas often?

If your answer to the above query is yes, then you have landed at the right article.

Today I am going to share with you five proven/powerful ways of content idea generation. You can replicate these ways and generate great ideas for your content writing needs.

Before I begin, let me give you some perspective about why the world is going gaga about “content”?

As you all know, we are living in the digital era. Everything around us is getting digitized. The work, which took many days or months in early times is taking just a few hours, minutes or seconds to complete today.

To do anything efficiently, you should have great content available all the time. Today’s digitization is making great information available in form of content to everyone. People just have to access the internet and she/he can get information about anything online.

For example, There are many health tips that are available today online free for the readers. They just have to access and adopt them in their day-to-day life.

Now, let me give you five powerful ways using which you can find great ideas for writing quality content relatively fast.

  1. Watch Videos on YouTube:
Watch Videos on YouTube.

I am sure you all will agree that YouTube is the top search engine for videos across the globe. You can generate lots of great ideas just by watching the relevant videos of your “niche”. Let me explain to you with a simple example.

Suppose your niche is about “food”. You just have to go to YouTube and search like “best method to cook Gulab Jaamun” or “best method to make coffee”, etc. You will find a lot of videos on these. You just have to view a few top-viewed videos and figure out what unique content you can write from that. Let’s say you watched the “best method to make coffee” and you liked a video that has great content with lots of detailed information in it. You can start making coffee for yourself while watching that video. After that you can write about your experience with the title “First Sip of Coffee Made by Me”.

2) Inspire from Movie Songs:

Inspiration from songs

If you are an “Indian”, then definitely you know the importance of songs in a movie. There is a huge collection of cool Bollywood and Hollywood songs that you can listen and take inspiration from.
You just have to find unique words or phrases present in the songs and then write articles on the same. Say, for example, You might have heard a very famous Hindi song named “Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Me Khayaal Atta Hai”. You can write an article on the title like “Mere Dil Me Khayal Atta Hain” or just write on “Kabhi Kabhi”.

3) Go on a Vacation:

Go on a vacation

Who doesn’t like vacation and content/blog writing is one thing that you can do from anywhere. It’s really fun to be in this profession. You can work and be on vacation at the same time. You just need a laptop with an Internet connection and regular power supply.

Also, during a vacation, you can generate lots of great and unique ideas for your article. Suppose you went to a beach for a vacation. You can have different kind of experiences there from which you can write an article.

4) Learn through Your Hobbies:

Learn through your hobbies

This is an interesting one and I would say most important too. You can develop contents taking inspiration from your hobbies. I am sure everyone has some hobbies. Many of you want to make your hobby as your profession. However, due to family pressure and other responsibilities, you end up doing what you don’t like throughout your life.

But, your hobbies can be your great asset and you can use it to develop a great blog to inspire millions or billions of people in the world. You just have to practice your hobby daily for a small duration and as you progress in that, you can take inspiration and write a good quality blog on it.

Say for example you love swimming. So you just have to swim for small duration daily and talk about the different perspective of it in your blog every time. Like you can write about “Baby Steps to become a Great Swimmer” or “Five steps to become a Great Swimmer”. As you write engaging content on different topics of swimming, you will have different people getting attracted towards your blog. In the end, not only will you increase traffic on your blog but also you will inspire more people with similar interest.

5) Learn from Your Mistakes:

Learn from your mistakes

Lastly, it is very important to learn from your own mistakes. Suppose you started a blog about “Playing Football”. I am sure you might not be knowing how to play football in the beginning. However, when you start a blog about it, you will try to play it and gradually learn it in the process.
You will eventually provide all the details about the mistakes you do in order to learn to play football. You will definitely try to mention different rules while playing it, ways that shouldn’t play, etc. When you write on this niche, you will eventually find some mistakes in your blog that you will have to correct during the course of some time. You will see after a few articles in the same niche, you would have developed great writing skills. You will learn about how to write a great engaging article that is generated from great content idea about learning football.

So I am sure, you would have got some unique but powerful methods about how to generate great ideas for your blog writing. Here is the list for your revision:

1) Watch learning videos on YouTube for getting cool ideas for your blogs.
2) Get unique ideas from the words or phrases used in movie songs.
3) Vacation can give you different experiences to write in your blog.
4) Learning a new hobby can give you some cool ideas for your blog in a particular niche.
5) Lastly, you should always learn from your mistakes and try to describe the experiences from your mistakes in your blog.

Please make sure to follow them and let me know your experiences through your comments. I am confident that you will develop a great habit of writing by generating great ideas with the help of them.

Also, please share with your friends and family if you find value in them.

Thank you so much for reading till the end.

Be happy and healthy till the next article.



Rakesh Upadhyay
Writer for

I am a self believer and motivator. Trying to make a mark in this professional world with a smile on face.