Rakesh Upadhyay
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2018


5 Top Reasons you Should Become an Entrepreneur

From- https://pixabay.com/en/write-plan-desk-notes-pen-writing-593333/

Do you want to become your own boss?

Do you love spending more time with your family?

If your answer to the above questions is yes, then you are in the right place. Below, I am going to list down, the most important reasons why you should become an entrepreneur.

I am sure you would get some inspiration there and will start taking steps to become a successful entrepreneur.

Why is Entrepreneurship becoming a trend these days?

I see most of the corporate individuals are not satisfied with their regular 9 to 5 jobs. Most of the times, they are forced to do what they don’t like just for the sake of getting job security.

Also, people become a victim of corporate politics and don’t get the desired growth even after working hard for long.

Another reason is that the Internet is readily available these days to most of the population. The reachability, thus, has increased exponentially and within a few clicks, data can be transferred from one place to another. It has helped most of us incline towards building our own brand rather than working for others.

Listed below are five important reasons or benefits of entrepreneurship.

  1. Spend Time with Family:
From- https://pixabay.com/en/family-baby-crawling-mother-1237701/

It is one of the most important reasons one should become an entrepreneur. I am sure, everyone loves spending time with their family. Because of the increasing reachability, it’s now very easy for anyone to work from anywhere across the globe… and deliver the quality of work required.

It gives a chance for an individual to work from home and also give time to his/her family. It can bring immense satisfaction to any work, he/she plans to do.

2) Freedom:

From- https://pixabay.com/en/girl-woman-joy-of-life-dance-2940655/

Entrepreneurship can give you the freedom to make your schedule for the work you are doing. You can even leverage internet facility and outsource your work through sites like Fiverr, Upwork and others.

Let’s take an example. You made a company known for making great logos for the clients. As the work grows, you cannot handle all the clients by yourself, that’s for sure. So, what to do? You can hire experts from, say, Fiverr at a competitive price and yet, deliver quality logos within the time committed.

3) Impact:

From- https://pixabay.com/en/african-american-asian-black-blue-3520016/

You can make a great impact on the society because of Entrepreneurship. Suppose you are working for yourself and have outsourced all the activities that you require to earn money. Not only it provides work to many but also frees some time for you.

You just have to put little effort daily, to manage the team and thus, get the income. And in the free time left for yourself, you can join your family or help the society. For example, you can join NGO and help the needy ones in your free time.

4) Health:

From — https://pixabay.com/en/people-man-exercise-fitness-health-2604149/
From- https://pixabay.com/en/meditation-spiritual-yoga-1384758/

When you have free time from your work, you can definitely leverage it to build a healthy body. You can schedule your exercise time according to your convenience. You can also make time for meditation. It will really help in maintaining a healthy body and mind. According to me — “A healthy mind and body can achieve anything desired.”

5) Opens your mind:

From- https://pixabay.com/en/brain-mind-psychology-idea-hearts-2062055/

Entrepreneurship opens your mind and lets you think out of the box. You can always try to figure out what is best for your company — a company you own. When you work for a corporate company, you are bound to work according to your boss. And it can make you a narrow-minded person. But when you work for own company, you think of out of the box ways to make it successful.

I hope that the above reasons should have given you some perspective on what you can achieve through Entrepreneurship. Share your views with me and tell me if you find it helpful. Also, let me know if I missed out something that you want me to include in my future article.

Thank you for reading, and we will meet in another article.



Rakesh Upadhyay
Writer for

I am a self believer and motivator. Trying to make a mark in this professional world with a smile on face.