A Mother’s Run Down on E-Classes During This Dreadful Lock-down

Ankita Ahuja
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2020
Strength Lies in our Hands

Nothing is permanent, everything has to change and evolve. We have been evolving and will continue to do so. Change is the only constant reality in our life.


When the dreaded lock-down began in March, there was a lot of speculation around the future of education. While all things were running awry through lack of clarity from any party (government or non-government) there were a few of us (MOMs) who were mostly wondering how will the kids get their education? Where will they study? How will they study? What is the next step?

And lo behold! The solution of holding extensive e-classes came in light.

While the parents cribbed and puckered around the idea of having such classes, the kids had absolutely no clue what was going on. All they understood was, ‘you have to get up early in the morning and attend your classes for 3 hours everyday.’

While everything said and done, the kids couldn’t have been more excited to attend e-classes. And why not! They just needed to brush their teeth, sit in their PJs in front of the laptop or mobile, and their classes are on!

Wow! What a dream.

No uniforms.
No waking up to catch the bus.
No Tension for the kids (as per them) at all.

While the parents did wonder whether this would actually be feasible and would it work? The schools ensured that there was a certain coordination from every person in their school team.

From moms who are teachers to the IT staff who are moms, and moms who are moms to their kids at home, and in general all the moms everywhere 😍

While I do lay emphasis on the ‘Moms’ of the world, I honestly do not want to miss out on the fathers as well ( 😉 ) … {But that’s a story that can be churned out some other time 🤪}

Get in line

While the world sleeps every morning, moms still wake up early in the morning to get their house chores done before the household awakes. She is trying to get her house in order, before the e-classes begin, so that she can be around when her kids need her.

So please get in line and stop judging if she does not have a spic house.


The definition of Classwork and Homework suddenly underwent a change. While the classes lasted for about 3 hours, the kids and moms, were putting in more effort to get the books completed on time. Moms were not only getting their classwork completed with proper sections, indexes, cover pages and definitions, but also trying to understand where the homework was being uploaded and how it was being done.

It took a while to get in line, but yea I guess moms did a swell job and did manage to swoop in to get it alright. Somehow I think the kids got a little smarter and simply passed on the baton to us moms by silently telling us — ‘Go Figure’ . 🤷🏻‍♀️

Teachers Woes

Why do I mention teachers?

Duh! Teachers are moms too! And I think none of them ever had the most pleasant time teaching online.

While we were cribbing about connectivity and the course going too fast or the work to be completed is simply too much, the teachers were slogging their rear side to just get the entire course and curriculum in place.

With innovative and interactive slides and presentations to ensuring that children participate in the discussions to maintaining a decorum teaching kids online and constantly being patient (Patience! Yes a Very Big Uncontrollable White Elephant in the Room), these teachers have absolutely been a stellar support to every school.

We may not always appreciate the efforts that these ‘Moms who are Teachers‘ put in, but they have a tough nut to crack when it comes to managing their household and their kids studies and successfully running online classes everyday. 🦹‍♀️ “Cape of Faith”

The Kids Father

While there may be many or a few who are equal contributors in the house, not every household goes through this or gets this privilege. While moms are struggling to get their children to just ‘sit and concentrate’ on their e-classes without playing mobile games, the fathers of these kids can conveniently say ‘we do not want to interfere in your method of teaching’ and they simply back-off. 👩🏻‍⚖️

Oh please! Grow up and check the damn connection at least. Or is that also the ‘moms‘ responsibility alone. So if you can get your office work done, the least you could do is contribute by checking upon the kids if they need help in anyway or if they are facing a problem, while the moms get some work done around the house. Duh!!🤦‍♀️

Of Webinars and Competitions

Now if you thought there was anything missing from these e-classes, you were so wrong. The schools also covered up the rest of the time with some or the other webinar or competition, just to keep the kids “Engaged” .

Oh come on! Like really! Do they need to truly so engaged?

At the end of the day, We moms often end up forgetting what we were actually supposed to get done- Classwork or Homework or prepare for an ‘Online competition’. (enlighten us please 🤔)

Despite of all the long reminders on whiteboards and charts and timetables, we still forget where to begin and where to end.

The end is never really there… It is a prolonged misconception of the beginning.


Last but not the least … Not in the very least

Cook Cook Cook

All moms everywhere are turning into home bakers on a show in Zumbo’s Desserts‘ or Masterchefs part of of a critical opinion from Vikas Khanna on Masterchef India-2 🤨, but in this case, the dreaded husband, in-law or kid. 🧐

So while the e-classes are meant to make her kid all intelligent and tech-savvy (which they are in their own ways), she is really trying to make the most of the time she can get to understand the work that needs to be completed.

While we Moms really try to figure what this Lock-down 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 has done for us, well we can only say one thing-

There is a bleak light at the end of the tunnel before we actually pass out 🙄



Ankita Ahuja
Editor for

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