A Small Choice Can Change Your Life Forever.

Pawan Kumar
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2018


Image via Pixabay

Today I’m going to share a story that one of our school teachers used to tell us.

A few hundred years ago, there were two businessmen in a small town: Narendranath and Vishwas Kumar. They both wanted to expand their businesses. So they took the appointment and fixed a meeting (individually) with the King to share their proposals.

Narendra was ready with his proposal and headed to the King’s palace. He was on his way, and suddenly a black cat crossed his path. He stopped. Bad thoughts hit his mind. (People take it as a bad sign — a black cat crossed their path.)

Narendra came back home and waited for a favourable moment. (It’s a belief that the omen associated with the cat will pass if you wait a little.) He headed to the palace again, after some time, but was late, which made the King angry. The King refused to see his proposal and denied his request for a business expansion.

Frustrated and furious, Narendra came back home and shouted at his children and also quarreled with the wife. His wife left home and took the children with her.

Narendra felt darkness all around in his life, and he blamed that black cat for it.

The next day, Vishwas had an appointment with the King, and he headed to the palace with his business proposal. A black cat crossed his path, too. He stopped and felt a wave of fear.

But Vishwas ignored it and decided to continue on the road. He reached the palace and showed his proposal to the King. The King was pleased with it and allowed him to expand his business. He also gave him ornaments and some financial help.

Happy, Vishwas came back home and gave the ornaments to his wife and toys to his children, which he bought en-route. The whole family was happy. And after some time, he became one of the most renowned businessmen of the state.

What Lesson Do We Learn from This Story

Both Narendra and Vishwas faced the same situation, but their choices and decisions were different.

Choices shape our lives, and our future depends on the choices we make in the present. I believe a choice is not something we have, it’s something we DO. It’s an action.

Whether you decide to go to college or take that music class you always wanted, it’s your choice. It’s you who will decide to get your hair coloured in shades of rainbow or not. Travelling to another city (or country) alone, working toward your goal or spending time on meaningless activities — it’s all your choice.

You need to think well before choosing something as it may impact your whole life.

Almost every time I need to make a choice, I ask myself this question: Will this action help me to achieve my goal or will the future Pawan regret doing it?

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make, makes you. Choose wisely.” — Roy T. Bennett

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Pawan Kumar

Writer. Inbound Marketer. An Ambivert. Featured on Entrepreneur, Jeff Bullas, Addicted 2 Success, & HuffPost. My LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prepawan/