Does leadership still mean the same?

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3 min readAug 6, 2018

Leadership during the Ruling Period

Considering the time when Kings used to rule. They had powers over a specific region. However, this power was because of their deeds and the family they belonged to. The reason behind their followers may be because they held the strongest position. But, there exists an undeniable fact that they had followers who respected, followed and obeyed them.

Does power really have the ability to make people follow you? Or can you make them follow through your deeds?

Well, we live in a democratic world now. But it doesn’t resolve the problem of power.

The Birth of Democracy

After the ruling period, then came the parliament and democracy to choose our own leaders. This was the time when people began to think about the forced decision to follow Kings. This era gave an opportunity for citizens to pick their own Government. The freedom of selecting the ruler or a set of people who will run the entire country was pleasing.

This idea gave people a choice to select their leaders. However, with the increasing democracy, the quarrels increased. People started learning leadership qualities from those leaders. With the pace of time, we now live in an era where everyone is in a race of becoming a leader. The idea of becoming a leader is not bad or it doesn’t even sound mean.

But, what about the leaders who work just for their own purpose? What about their responsibilities towards the followers? What does it take to become a true leader?

Responsibilities of a Leader

A leader is responsible for his/her followers. However, in the world filled with the race of achieving success, leaders are busy building their own dreams. They are afraid that someone amongst their followers will make their way ahead of them. But the story doesn’t end here. These fights and race have taken away the peace. People are living in their own world of race. The increasing tensions and workload is hijacking harmony.

Coming back to the responsibilities. A true leader is the one who helps the followers achieve their aims working along with them. The one who shares everything and work in sync in achieving the target. A true leader does not work only for self, but for the group. A leader frames the action map and works with the group instead of dominating them to work alone. He/she listens and understands about others have to say.

A leader believes in — “Great ideas can come from anyone”.

The collaborative aspect works great for leaders. This means collaborating with the team to achieve personal and group targets. The freedom of taking initiatives is an important characteristic of a leader. If people are forced to do things, they can only be robots. A leader allows them to do things the way they like. This freedom results in high productivity and satisfaction from the job. Hence, we can sum this up with “A true leader is responsible for the followers”.

Are we still following leaders with fear within?

What kind of leader are you or dream to become?



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