Original vs Copy

Ridhi Agarwal
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2019
Image Credit: qimono (Pixabay)

Marketing and Branding are in every field of life. And what better example can you quote than the medicines. This article talks about how branded and generic medicines are different but they work the same.

Branded and Generic Medicines

Change in lifestyle has a significant influence on physical as well as mental health of the humans. And, it’s one of the reasons why there is a hole burning in the pockets towards medicines. Then, there are tragedies in a few lives not because they can’t cure it but because they can’t afford to cure it.

It’s been ages since you have been purchasing medicines. But, have you thought about the two types of drugs available in the market — generic and branded. What are those? Generic medicines aren’t duplicate or harmful, they are the copies of the branded medicines which can be easily affordable.

Let us have a look at how they are different.

Image credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/200058408419353728/

1. R&D

Branded medicines are developed after years of research to get the final product whereas generic medicines are copies. These are prepared when the branding company loses the patent.

The patent granted to a company is usually for twenty years. And while the patent is in effect, it protects the company’s investment in the drug’s development. It gives the company the sole right to sell the drug.

So, there is not much research and development involved in the making of generic medicines.

2. Marketing

Branded medicines are marketed in different ways by the pharmaceutical companies. Their marketing involves providing gifts to doctors, high advertisement costs, foreign trips for doctors and free medicine samples among others. All these costs are passed on to the public who will purchase the medicine. The generic medicines, on the other hand, are marketed by the government.

3. Quality and effectiveness

Image credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/561753753498256479/

The quality and the effect of generic medicines is the same as the branded medicines. It is only because of the expenses incurred in the making of the medicine which increases the price of the branded medicine.

A generic drug is approved only after it has met rigorous standards established by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and thus, is as effective as the branded medicines. Generic medicines are nowhere less in respect to strength, quality, purity, and potency when compared to the branded medicines.

Even the manufacturing, packaging, and testing sites of the generic medicines must pass the same quality standards as those of branded medicines. A generic drug manufacturer must also, prove that its drug is the same as (bioequivalent) the branded drugs.

4. Making of the drugs

The process of manufacturing generic drugs is the same as the branded drugs. The facilities should meet the same standards as said above. Also, FDA inspects the facilities every year to make sure there is no compromise.

5. Shape, size and colour

The shape, size and colour of a generic medicine might differ from the branded medicine. It’s because of the trademark which doesn’t allow the generic medicines to replicate all the details.

6. Reach in the market

It has been observed that branded medicines are easily available to the public as compared to generic medicine. But, with awareness and proper education, people can be more comfortable with using generic medicines. The demand thus, is bound to increase then.

Image credits: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/125186064627853854/

As generic medicines don’t have to go through the same work and processing as their branded peers, they are cheaper. But the lack of education and promotion leads people to ignore them completely. If only people are aware, they won’t be forced to lose their lives.

