Personal Branding

Ridhi Agarwal
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2018
Image by Alexas_Photos on Pixabay

“Personal Branding is not about pretending to be a perfect person. It’s being real to the world with your flaws and fortes.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive

We’re used to thinking about brands in respect to companies and products — like Tata and Tesla. But nowadays, anything can be a brand. Even as an individual, you have a personal brand.

Every individual has a brand — represented by name, face, sets of characteristics, values or qualities — which set their proposition distant from other products or individuals.

It includes the attributes which you present to people, and you want them to perceive the same.

Personal branding not only influences your professional life, but it is also a reflection of your personal life. It reflects the choices which you make in life and how you continue to grow with it.

What’s the reward of Personal Branding?

“Good acts can give you good reward”

1. You will be recognized for what you are.

When you present your attributes to an individual or group, you create an identity which people perceive. One should be very careful before showcasing themselves as there are chances of others creating an identity for them.

2. When you provide value you become the first preference.

“To get them hooked and booked for life, you must consistently feed them — value!” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive

When you understand who you are and how you want to be recognized, you give your best naturally. You, then, become the first preference but may not be for everyone.

3. You’re unique.

When you know who you are, no matter who your competition is, you will always stand out.

4. Influencer:

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.” — King Solomon

A good product sells itself. When you are the best at being yourself, people will recognize and try to get the best opportunities. Such opportunities can take their life in a new direction and in turn, make your brand stronger.


5. Trust:

When you know who you are, push yourselves into being the same. You are not only being true to yourself but you also build a trust in other’s minds. So, understand what you want to seek, be adamant and focused on the way, and the cornerstone of your brand will be strong.


Does Personal Brand matter?

Yes, it does matter. Everyone is making an offering to the entire world with an intention to be accepted by the offeree. Everyone wants to be known for who they are and try to communicate through different means because:

Good Product + Excellent Pitch = SALE

Everyone wants to be recognized for what they are capable of offering. For some, personal branding is way too important to communicate and for a few, they want their work to speak for themselves. It depends on each individual how they want people to perceive them and how fast they want them to perceive.



As they say, change is the only constant. But a change comes with lots of challenges. And personal rebranding isn’t easy. It’s comfortable to take the same path where you have made a mark. But as individuals keep evolving it’s natural that the turning points in their life will want them to rebrand themselves. So, as an individual, it’s up to you how you want to take this.

