What the heck is Quora anyway?

Kunjal Chawhan
Published in
6 min readSep 29, 2018

Every wannabee Digital Marketer needs to read this article.

You will learn the ways to exploit the potential of Quora for Digital Marketing in this post.

Here is a brief introduction of Quora

Quora is a question-answer community, where anyone can ask any question and others can weigh in to answer those.

The answers get upvotes, comments, and shares as a token of appreciation. It is like one of those times when your uploaded picture gets like on Facebook. People in this community can follow each other. Doing so you can keep tabs on the work of people you admire.

Quora is indeed a Social Media Platform. Period!

Quora is indeed a social media platform. It clearly has all the traits that you look for in a Social Media Platform.

  • 250 Million Active users
  • Diverse academic, professional & demographic backgrounds of people
  • Engagement through question answering, commenting, upvotes, sharing & messaging.
  • Placement of advertisement via text.
  • Targeting features.

That sounds like a perfect recipe for a social media platform.

Doesn’t it??

What makes Quora so useful for Digital Marketing?

As I have demonstrated already, Quora is a social networking site.

A platform that has a highly interactive & engaging community of a staggering 250 Million People. And that’s a huge number.

On Quora, you’re having 250 Million active users belonging to various demographic, psychographic & geographic backgrounds.

As a Social Media Marketer, you know what to do with all this data. What you do is create a clear & concise social media marketing strategy & bring that strategy to effect.

As a Digital Marketer, your job on Quora is to build brand awareness.

By building brand awareness, you will give rise to a funnel.

Yes, it is possible.

This isn’t daydreaming. Quora acts as a framework for you to affect your long-term strategy.

Let’s learn how YOU can put digital marketing strategy into effect using Quora

Build Authority:

Quora acts as a great platform to build authority in the niche that you cater. If the information that you provide through answers is valuable to your target audience, they will long to read your answers.

They will not scroll down your answers without reading it. You will begin to get the answer requests once you establish your authority in the niche. Regular answering of questions is the best & only way to establish authority.

And believe me, it really doesn’t take long to reach that phase, only a few days of regular activity.

Let’s say you cater to Digital Marketing niche. You have a Digital Marketing course on Udemy.com upon which you wish to increase the sales.

What you can do with Quora is that you keep answering questions related to Digital Marketing only.

Soon your identity will become synonymous with Digital Marketing, people will Direct Message you so that you can help them out with their queries. You can engage with people in the comment section.

After a while, you can begin to mention at the end of your answers, that you have a course on Udemy.com with ‘X’ star rating. By now, you have built your authority, and will be in the position to influence their decision to take your course.

Let’s say the question that you just answered with your course’s mention garnered 20 k views and 11k upvotes, how many of those do you think will convert? Quite a lot I would say because that answer is directed to your ideal target audience. Not to mention the shares, DM’s, and mentions you can assimilate with that.

Get Click-through rate:

Click-throughs are the traffic that you assimilate by sharing your links on websites. What you can do is, answer the question with hyperlinks pointing back to your website. Even better, you can camouflage those links with the text of your choice. For example, in Digital Marketing, text can be concealed a link to one of your blog posts about Digital Marketing.

Likewise, you will fetch additional traffic, who again is your target audience. If you haven’t tricked them in the answer or link, then those click-through’s will improve your site bounce rate. That’s because those are dedicated clicks. Maybe you have an opt-in form for Newsletter already triggered, the moment they opt-in your website, they are confronted by the opt-in form. As soon as they fill out that opt-in form they become your leads.

Influencer search engine:

You can use Quora as an influencer search engine. It is quite simple.

Just follow the steps.

  • Search the Topic (niche)
  • Select the Topic that it will result
  • In that Topic you can find, most viewed writers, ranked chronologically
  • Select the writer of your wish
  • You will be directed to his profile, from where you can find out whether he is on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter.

P.S You can do some research on that most viewed writer, you can learn his writing style, you can learn about his choice and preferences.

Contact him there and then, and hire him to promote your product or service. If he is dominant on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Instagram, great! If not, you know he is already popular (and dominant) on Quora.

Maybe you can ask him to bring up your product or service in his answers. Similarly, you can find influencers according to the topic in every category. Using this feature prevents you from spending on costly influencer marketing tools like Upfluence & NinjaOutreach.

Not that these Influencer Search Engines are exploitative, as a matter of fact, these are great tools but costs a lot.

Brand Recognition:

Use the power of this question-answering community to build brand recognition.

In Quora, there’s a feature that works really well for brand recognition. If you have a company ‘XYZ’, you can create a topic on Quora. The topic will be your company’s name and will have the company’s logo to it along with the description. Pretty cool, right?? Now, every time someone asks a question regarding your company, it will add to your company’s topic that you created.

As your brand’s recognition rises, people will start following your brand’s topic. And did I mention that you can follow topics??

YES, you can!

Now that people follow your brand’s topic, every time a question is asked regarding your company, they will get it in their feed.

Keyword Research:

Using Quora, you can do keyword research for your upcoming blog.

I mean let’s face it. Quora is the internet’s one of the most talked about place, involving a lot of text, you certainly can pick up, trends, phrases, keywords, headline ideas, words that are hot right now, and some unique keywords.

Using Quora, you will uncover unique keywords. The keywords that your target customers are already using

Just put your ‘keyword’ in search and press enter.

As a result, it will reflect all the data recorded on Quora containing your keyword. This includes Questions, Answers, Topics, & Links as well.

And here’s a catch. Quora wouldn’t charge you a dime for that.

Let’s take a quick recap, as to how Digital Marketers are already capitalizing on Quora

  1. You can build authority
  2. You can get click-through rates
  3. Use Quora as an influencer search engine
  4. Brand Recognition
  5. Keyword Research

Additional Resources:

What is Digital Marketing? How do I learn it?

6 Awesome ways to Monetize your Blog

What is Content? Learn what it takes to create irresistible content?

Originally published at decodedigitalmarket.com.

