Your Landing Page In 2018

Thilak Singh
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2018
Source: Unsplash

Websites need to attract traffic to thrive as well as survive. The more the visitors, the better would be the results. Traffic generation is usually done through several types of marketing campaigns. Like social advertising, email marketing, digital PR (public relations) etc.,

Landing pages of websites are usually the final part of such marketing campaigns. They convert the in-flowing traffic (from various channels) into leads or customers.

So, as you can see, landing pages are quite important to a website’s success.

Different Types of Landing Pages

Landing pages are of different types. Some try to convert visitors into customers (through offers or discounts). Some try to convert visitors into leads (through freebies like e-books and email newsletters). Others are a regular part of the website like the home or subscription page.

All these landing pages have the same goal: to convert visitors either into leads or customers.

Landing Pages Usually…

  • Don’t Beat Around the Bush: they talk only about the selling point (could be a discount or a freebie) which can generate leads and customers.
  • Use the Art of Selling without Selling: they offer something irresistible. Which makes visitors feel like they are not buying but are being gifted something.
  • Contain No Distractions: no links, scroll bars, or navigation buttons. Only the irresistible offer and the visitor fighting with his emotions whether to subscribe or not.
  • Make Visitors Turn into Leads or Customers: using powerful headlines, sub-headings, 1–2 liner explanations, impressive images, and not to forget the all-important CTA (Call-to-Action).

Landing Page in 2018?

The online world has seen its share of landing pages and landing page related articles. So instead of looking at what goes into a landing page, let’s look at the sort of audience you are confronted with today. So that you can bear them in mind and design your landing pages accordingly.

Your audience…

  • Has An Attention Span Less Than That Of A Goldfish: And how do you get the attention of a goldfish? By tapping the fish bowl in which it’s swimming, right? Similarly your landing page should grab your website visitors by their heads and make them listen to you. It should be that impressive!
  • Is Very Impatient, Restless: This could work both ways. Your visitors, if impressed, can subscribe to you within seconds. If not, they can walk away at the same pace. The best way to deal with this trait is by taking the minimalist approach. Less text, less images, and a single, but impressive (CTA) Call-to-Action button.
  • Is Fed Up Of Landing Pages: ‘Oh yeah, another landing page’ is probably what your visitors’ thoughts are when they visit your page. So give them something which they don’t expect at all. Dent their cynical attitude and skepticism. It can be, for example, a ridiculously low-priced product, or maybe, something free along with it! Doing so can shock your visitor into turning into a customer.
  • Needs Comforting: This is where you can cash in and make all the difference today. We are living in a materialistic world, where a simple, ‘there, there, we are here to help you’ message can resonate with your visitors in more ways than one. Therefore, include them. This is usually referred to as addressing ‘the pain point of your customer’

3 Excellent Landing Pages of 2018

Nothing compares to learning from those who’ve already done what you’re trying to do. Here are 3 really good examples of how your landing page should look like today.

  1. Upwork: This website has been on the list of top landing pages for some years now and continues to do so. Simple, up to the point, containing a trustworthy face and a list of popular clients, Upwork says it all in a very professional way. And it’s working wonders for them, right?
Courtesy: Upwork website

2. Slack: When a friend recently pointed out that Slack was raising about $400 million for its business, the first thing I did was visit its website. And I immediately sensed that its landing page definitely had a role to play. Looking more like a website of a freelancer, Slack’s landing page is the perfect example that sometimes simple is more than enough.

Courtesy: Slack Website

3. Shopify: This e-commerce website too has a history of being featured in the top landing pages list regularly. The brilliant subheading which covers the essence of the business is probably the highlight. And of course, the happy looking face which cheers you up and a CTA to get you started right away. Again simple but proving effective.

Courtesy: Shopify website


Creating landing pages which convert is hard work. But this doesn’t mean you can’t achieve it. You just have to work towards reaching that sweet spot where your visitors start converting, and then ensure you stay right there.

If you observe this world, you’ll notice that most of the time the ideas which click are nothing but a rehash of ideas already thought of. Those 3 landing pages you saw above can be good examples. They have similar designs and yet all of them make it to the list of top landing pages often!

So keep tweaking that landing page of yours until results start showing up. Don’t give up! And don’t forget to keep things simple.

Who knows, this is the year of simplicity when it comes to landing pages

