“Self Help” — How much can we do?

Shiona Lee
Ink Culture
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2024
Self Hug by Hala Al-Asadi

“Self Help” 2024

As mental health and breaking generational patterns are becoming a rising trend, I wonder how much we can give ourselves:

self hug

self soothe

self love

self care

It is empowering and healing to be able to give these things to ourselves, but how much can we do this and be satisfied and healed?

I think some things we need from certain individuals in our lives cannot be replaced

a hug from a grandmother or aunt cannot replace a mom’s hug

an apology from a partner cannot replace an apology from dad

a letter from a fan cannot replace a letter from a past partner whom you haven’t heard back from

Nothing can replace another human being

And another human being cannot replace a special someone

Just like how AI cannot ever replace real intelligence of a living being

We make substitutes and compromises to make life work

But I don’t think any of us want to live to make life ‘work’

We live to ‘live’ and experience what ‘life’ is all about.

A thought came to mind that perhaps what makes people so incredible is our ability to change.

No human is “good” or “bad”

What makes us ‘better’ versions of ourselves is our ability to reflect, grow awareness, and change.

(the only constant is change)

And hopefully in that growth process, we get to poke tiny peep holes to see other universes.

That 1% peek into your universe is all it takes for me to humanize you and completely shift my perspective into a new course.

