Have You Lost Your Confidence As a Writer? Here’s How You Can Get It Back.

Dear Writer — February 15, 2021

Rebecca Kojetin
Ink & Keyboard


Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

I want to make a point before I get into the meat of this piece, so please humor me.

WARNING: As you read the italicized paragraphs just below, please realize that they are a “rough draft,” a “sloppy copy.” I wrote them and published them WITHOUT revision.

Instead of saying to yourself, “Who does this chick think she is? She can’t write a cohesive sentence, correctly structure a sentence, or even make sense with what she writes;” I hope you are saying, “OMG. My first draft looks like that too.”

Durng creative writing class one day, I handed back papers k. most of which needed a lot of work. One student in particular commented loud enough for me to hear at the front of the room, “Why bother?” He had received a “please revise” at the top of his paper awith numerosul comments in the margins / written in red.

During the time I allowed students to read over their paper and then work with one other writer to weed through and find what was good in the paper, I called, let’s call him Matthew, up to my desk with his paper. Oh, yeah, I made him dig it out of the circular file (trash can). It was obvious that he hadn’t had written it during lucnh in the cafeteria or on the bus



Rebecca Kojetin
Ink & Keyboard

Health and Life Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.