Where Are These Inspirational Ideas You Speak Of?

The Best Writing Advice I Discovered This Week 2/28/2021 through 3/6/2021

Rebecca Kojetin
Ink & Keyboard


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

How did your writing week go? If this is your first time coming across my weekly list of the best writing advice I discovered this week, welcome. If you have returned, thank you for giving this week’s hits a read.

I’ve been hard at work planning a personal writer’s retreat. I had the dates planned and woops, life has intervened and put me on a road trip to meet the new grandbabies instead. Not a bad change of plans.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still be writing. I just won’t be writing for the steady block of time on a single project without any interruptions.

This week I discovered some awesome advice to share with you.

#1. Look for writing ideas in every nook and cranny of your life.

Nicole Akers share with her readers where she finds her writing ideas. If you are stuck with what to write about, try some of her suggestions.



Rebecca Kojetin
Ink & Keyboard

Health and Life Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.