Introducing Ink Pay Checkouts!

Ink Pay’s new Checkouts feature allows sellers to easily create listings and sell for cryptocurrency on ANY marketplace!

Ink Protocol
The Ink Protocol Blog
5 min readNov 14, 2018


Today, after lots of hard work, we are extremely excited to release the latest big update to Ink Pay! We are calling it Ink Pay Checkouts, and users can start using it today. It’s a big upgrade to the existing Ink Pay buying and selling experience, making it much easier for sellers to bring on new buyers who want to make purchases using cryptocurrency on ANY marketplace.

Checkouts is a big and important step in our plan to get mainstream adoption for Ink Pay. Our ultimate vision is to build a platform for fully decentralized P2P marketplaces!

What is Checkouts?

Ink Pay’s new Checkouts feature allows sellers to create a simple buying experience for any item they are selling. Checkouts is accessed via a web link that the buyer can use to view the seller’s feedback, pay for the item, and then leave new feedback, all of which are stored on the Ethereum blockchain using Ink Protocol.

Sellers can create listings and use the Checkouts link on any existing marketplace, such as Craigslist, FB Marketplace, classified forums, and much more!

For the buyer, this means they no longer need to set up a new DApp wallet or download a browser plugin such as Metamask to use Ink Pay. Buyers can simply click and open the link on any web browser and pay using the address and instructions there. They can use whatever wallet they already have, including exchanges and services like Coinbase or even Bibox, where you can buy XNK easily.

Sellers still need to use the Ink Pay DApp interface to manage their sales and checkouts, for now. We plan on tackling this part next and making it much easier as well.

How it Works / Demo

Sellers can create multiple checkouts and manage them on their home page. Creating a new checkout is easy-just click on “New”.

Ink Pay is available at

Fill in some details about the item you are selling.

Click “Create” to generate the Checkouts link to share.

Now, the seller can share the link with buyers. This will usually be done via private messages, text, email, or in the listing itself, depending on what marketplace they are using.

The buyer can then fill out their information to complete the checkout. This is what the buyer sees:

Next, the buyer just needs to send the funds to the address shown. They can do this using any existing wallet, exchange, or service they prefer. Ink Pay will listen on the blockchain and detect a successful payment automatically. Payments can be made all at once or in pieces.

The seller can then accept the payment and prepare to ship the item. The buyer can also cancel the payment at any time before it is accepted to get a full refund.

Then, the seller ships the item. Once received, the buyer can leave public, decentralized reputation for the seller, which is stored on the Ethereum blockchain via Ink Protocol!

For the buyer, it all works on any desktop or mobile browser, so there’s no new plugins, apps, or wallets to download.

DApps Made Easy

The primary driver for building this feature was the feedback we were getting from real users. Even people who are blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts find the typical DApp experience either too difficult or at the very least, too cumbersome. Our most requested feature was simply “can I just pay using my own wallet, Coinbase, other exchange, etc.”

Ink Pay’s new Checkouts feature gives buyers that power and greatly simplifies the user experience while still making full use of the Ink Pay DApp. The interface is just much easier. Moving forward, we are committed to removing as much of the usability friction as possible, until the app is usable by a very mainstream audience.

This is actually an industry-wide problem, and we plan to take the lead in building one of the first truly consumer-friendly DApps out there.

Stay tuned for more news and updates. The team is already working on the next big update, which will tackle the seller’s side of things and eventually introduce fiat payments to attract mainstream selling!

For More Information on Ink Protocol

Ink Protocol powers trusted peer-to-peer transactions on any platform. Securely buy & sell anywhere with transferable reputation & escrow using the XNK token. It is live on the Listia platform with over 10M registered users and is usable on other P2P marketplaces where lack of reputation is a major driver for centralization.





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Ink Protocol
The Ink Protocol Blog

Trusted peer-to-peer transactions on any platform. Securely buy & sell anywhere with decentralized reputation and escrow. —