Write For Us: Ink & Tears Submission Guidelines

Fluff-free, actionable writing-about-writing advice

Robin Wilding 💎
Ink & Tears


Ink & Tears banner was designed by the illustrious, and surprisingly joyful curmudgeon, Gareth Willey.

Writing is a craft; part glitter, part witchcraft. Being a writer takes time, effort, learning, elbow grease, and a little zhuzh. Ink & Tears is about helping you improve that written voodoo that you do.

This publication’s modus operandi is helping other writers grow by fostering a learning community. We want your first-hand personal writing experiences on what you’ve learned and how you’ve learned it. Written in a way that offers the reader tangible, actionable tips they too can apply.

While your personal experiences are crucial to the story, your focus should be on helping our readers (with advice, tips, and encouragement). By highlighting the school-of-hard-knocks writing lessons we’ve learned with personal experiences and data-driven, no-fluff advice we improve our writing craft.

We’re committed to fast turnaround time, because waiting blows.

Ideally, we want all potential Ink & Tears writers to follow the publication and be active in our community by reading others’ work and engaging with it. Writing is a never-ending learning process, we all have things to learn from each other.

Editorial Submission Guidelines



Robin Wilding 💎
Ink & Tears

Pro Writer • Amateur Twatopotamus • (Medium) Shit Disturber • Knobhead of the Year 2022 • Possibly a Dude