Beyond Numbers

The true essence of pen to paper

Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

When it comes to writing, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. The number of followers on social media, the amount of money you make, and the quantity of people who respond to your work can feel like the ultimate measures of success. But should they be? Are these numbers the only driving force behind our words?

Let's be clear, these numbers aren't unimportant. They can be indicators of your reach and impact, but they shouldn't be your sole motivation. Writing is an art, a way to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. It's a means to connect with others, share knowledge, and evoke feelings. If we reduce it to chasing numbers, we lose the essence of what writing truly is.

As writers, we have a responsibility to create content that offers value and solutions to our readers. When we focus on addressing real problems, sharing insights, or telling compelling stories, the numbers will eventually align with our hopes and dreams. The genuine connection we establish with our audience is what drives those numbers up.

Think about it this way: Would you rather have a million followers who don't engage with your content or a thousand who eagerly anticipate every word you write? It's the quality of your audience and the impact you make that truly matters.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

In our pursuit of success, we must steer clear of "cheating" our way to the top. This includes avoiding clickbait titles that promise one thing but deliver another. It's essential to maintain our integrity and not compromise the quality and authenticity of our work for the sake of going viral or making quick money.

Other forms of dishonesty in writing can include plagiarism, spreading misinformation, or exploiting sensationalism. These tactics may provide temporary gains, but they erode your credibility and, ultimately, your ability to build a loyal and engaged audience. In the long run, the pursuit of numbers through deceitful means is a losing game.

We are not writers who lead a life solely dictated by the numbers. Instead, we are writers who find joy in life because our words have the power to generate those numbers, all while being guided by our authentic voice and, of course, with the blessings of the divine.

When we focus on writing with passion and purpose, we often find that the numbers naturally follow. It's the dedication to our craft, the commitment to delivering value, and the authenticity of our work that truly matters. As we write with sincerity, we connect with our readers on a deeper level, and that, in the end, is the most fulfilling and sustainable path to success as a writer.

The numbers may have their place in our writing journey, but they should never be our sole driving force. Our responsibility as writers is to bring value to our readers, to inspire, to educate, and to entertain. By focusing on these fundamental principles and avoiding shortcuts and dishonesty, we can build a meaningful and lasting career as writers, where the numbers naturally align with our passion and purpose. It's not about writing for the numbers; it's about writing from the heart and letting the numbers follow, with the grace of the divine.

If you savor my prose, find wisdom in its prose, please don’t refrain, let our connection compose. Share, follow, and read, for our journey’s sweet dose. Subscribe via email, where our essence truly shows. And should you find a moment, on my IG @savoryscrolls, disclose. Gratitude immense, beyond the eye can see. A 'thank you' that stretches ... to infinity.



Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on