Pages of Honor: A Writer’s Perpetual Sojourn

When integrity becomes a rare commodity in today’s world, let our written creations reflect its value

Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire
3 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

Becoming a writer is a calling. There’s something truly magical about putting words on paper or in today’s digital world. In my journey as a writer, there’s one principle I’ve always tried to hold dear: honesty.

Writing with honesty, with an open heart, is the key to everything.
But being an honest writer doesn’t mean we can just stay in a narrow world. Instead, as writers, we must keep learning, every day. Because life is a never-ending field of learning.

Here are 5 introspective questions of mine. Just consider them as diary thoughts:
1. Do I write with a genuine intent to convey the truth and provide valuable insights, or am I swayed by the desire for recognition or personal gain?
2. Have I examined my inner motivations and biases to ensure that my writing is free from the manipulation of facts to suit my perspective?
3. Am I willing to address difficult or contentious topics, even if it involves potentially questioning my own convictions and preconceived notions?
4. Can I honestly say that my writing consistently reflects my principles and values, or have I compromised my integrity for the sake of expediency or popularity?
5. Am I committed to ongoing self-improvement as a writer, continuously seeking to refine my skills and ethical standards, and open to acknowledging and learning from my mistakes and shortcomings?

For me, writing is the best way to speak to the world. I pour my ideas, experiences, and thoughts into words. And that's why honesty is the cornerstone of my writing style. When we're honest in expressing ourselves, readers can feel a deep connection. They sense our sincerity and authenticity.

Yet, honesty isn't always easy. Sometimes, we have to face bitter truths or talk about controversial topics. These are the moments that test a writer's honesty. But without honesty, our words lose their meaning. If we only write what people want to hear, we become soulless robots.

Furthermore, a writer must keep learning. The world keeps changing, as does knowledge and culture. Writing reflects our understanding of the world. So, if we stop learning, our writing becomes outdated.

Learning isn't just about gaining knowledge; it's also about opening up to different perspectives. As writers, we must be ready to accept criticism, even if it stings. Criticism is part of growth. It's how we find our weaknesses and improve.

Not only that, we must explore different aspects of life. Writing about diverse topics and trying various writing styles can help us grow as writers. Life is like a book with countless pages waiting to be written.

So, don’t hesitate to explore the world and write about different experiences.
Remember, when we explore new things, we must stay honest. We mustn’t replace honesty with sensationalism or drama. The quality of our writing reflects who we are.

In my journey to becoming a writer, honesty and never-ending learning are two faithful companions that always guide me. They are a source of strength and inspiration. So, if you aspire to be a writer, remember to always write with an open heart and keep learning.

Life as a writer is an exciting and meaningful adventure, if we embrace it with enthusiasm.

If you savor my prose, find wisdom in its prose, please don’t refrain, let our connection compose. Share, follow, and read, for our journey’s sweet dose. Subscribe via email, where our essence truly shows. And should you find a moment, on my IG @savory.scrolls, disclose. Gratitude immense, beyond the eye can see. A 'thank you' that stretches ... to infinity."



Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on