Savoring a Cup of Warm Tea

Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2024
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Not everyone, it turns out, can enjoy a cup of warm tea. In this fast-paced era, where time seems to race against ambition and responsibility, sitting down for a moment to slowly sip the aroma of warm tea has become a luxury in itself. Yes, it's as simple as that—sitting quietly and sipping tea. But why do so many of us find it hard to do? Is it because we're too busy, or do we just feel busy?

Some say we are busy because our jobs demand it. Or perhaps it's ambition constantly pushing us forward, chasing achievement after achievement. But behind all of that, there's one thing we often overlook: our mind and heart need rest too. Just for a moment, take time to truly relax. Grab a cup of warm tea, sit in a cozy corner, and savor each sip with calm.

Photo by José Martín Ramírez Carrasco on Unsplash

It may sound simple, but that's where the challenge lies. How can we avoid being enslaved by work or position? How can we still appreciate the beauty of life, even if only for a moment? One way is to set boundaries. Recognize when it's time to work and when it's time for yourself. Don’t let work consume your entire life. Learn to say "enough" when it's time to rest.

Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash

Moreover, try to schedule regular breaks, even if just for a few minutes. Just as tea needs to be brewed with patience, we too need to give ourselves room to breathe. Don’t hesitate to disconnect from the world's noise, put down your gadgets, and cherish the quiet moments.

For those who still find time to enjoy a cup of warm tea, be grateful. You’re doing something that many may not be able to do. Use your time wisely, savor every second, and feel the new energy flowing afterward. Because behind that cup of warm tea lies countless opportunities to reflect, renew your spirit, and return to your craft with renewed vigor.

Life, in the end, isn't about how fast we move but about how well we live each moment. So, take your cup of warm tea, sit back, and enjoy the moments passing by. Because perhaps, that is one of the best ways to truly live.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this humble piece. I eagerly anticipate your return. Until next time, take care, and see you.



Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on