The Date Palm’s Wisdom for Writers

Sowing seeds of strength, nurturing resilience

Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire
3 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash

Imagine yourself as a date palm tree. Tall, strong, and deeply rooted in the earth, this tree has an aura of grace and wisdom. As you dive into the world of date palms, let's take this journey.

Together, we'll explore the characteristics of the date palm tree and the process of planting it from its humble beginnings as a seed. We'll find ways to reflect on the challenges and obstacles presented in life and how the date palm tree can be a source of inspiration.

As a gentle breeze tickles the leaves above, I pose a question to you:

"How do you think the journey of a date palm tree begins?"

The answer may surprise you. When its seed is first planted, it is weighed down by a stone to ensure that its roots grow deep into the soil. As the plant grows, these sturdy roots provide a solid foundation from which the tree can flourish.

Placing a stone on top of the seed also helps keep it in place and prevents it from being displaced by wind or water during the initial stages of germination and growth.

Photo by Eduard Delputte on Unsplash

Now, turning our thoughts to our own lives, let's consider what obstacles we may have faced, or are about to face?

Just as the date palm tree's roots are cemented deep within the ground, we too must face life's challenges with determination and resilience. Think about the struggles you've faced – whether emotional, mental, or physical – and imagine your roots growing deeper and stronger.

As we sit beneath the shade of the date palm tree, the soft rustling of the leaves above, I share a new insight:

"What if we could apply the growth process of the date palm tree to our own lives?"

The lessons we learn from the date palm tree are profound. In our lives, we will undoubtedly encounter various obstacles and challenges. But, by viewing our struggles as a means to grow deeper and stronger roots, we can stand tall and resolute, just like the date palm tree.

Finally, as a writer, how can I become as strong and flexible as the date palm tree?

By embracing the wisdom the date palm tree embodies and incorporating it into our lives, we can grow deep emotional roots and learn the value of resilience and perseverance.

Just as the date palm tree defies the elements to provide shade, sustenance, and comfort, I too strive to share my experiences, strength, and compassion with you, through my writing.

Photo by PaaZ PG on Unsplash

Let us pay tribute to the date palm tree and cherish the teachings it imparts. As we weather the tempests in our lives, let us endeavor to develop sturdy roots and rise high and resolute like the distinguished date palm. Cultivate strong roots within ourselves, and persist in the face of adversity.

As writers, let us remain persistent, like the date palm, and patiently await the day when our words, like the date palm's sweet fruit, will bear the sweet fruit of success. Regardless of the obstacles that come our way, we will flourish together, unaffected by the winds that sway us, as the roots of insight and fortitude run profoundly within our souls.

If you savor my prose, find wisdom in its prose, please don’t refrain, let our connection compose. Share, follow, and read, for our journey’s sweet dose. Subscribe via email, where our essence truly shows. And should you find a moment, on my IG @savoryscrolls, disclose. Gratitude immense, beyond the eye can see. A 'thank you' that stretches ... to infinity."



Scribella Savory
Ink Well Inspire

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on