5 Tips to Get a Perfect Logo Design for Your Brand

Inkbot Design
Inkbot Design
Published in
7 min readJun 19, 2017


It is critical for every business to get the perfect logo design to create a strong brand identity.

A logo can take a company to the next level and can make it stand in the list of the world’s top brands.

A product or service can get a new life when it is given the perfect logo.

By having a professional logo for your brand, you can make a real image for your products or services.

Once you get your business logo, people will recognise you not by your name, rather by your logo.

All the famous brands including Apple, Nike, and others are recognised today by their memorable logos.

There can be much discussion on this matter that whether their logo made them famous or their products.

However, the logos of all the famous brands have their unique monopoly in their respective markets, and people prefer a product or service that has their favourite logo to go with it.

The best thing with a famous logo is that it can stand alone without any further description of its brand or product.

It can easily get the attention of people and can benefit its brand by every means.

If you also have got a business and thinking about getting your company logo, you must read the following five tips which can lead you to choose a perfect logo design for your brand.

1 — Simplicity is best

We all have seen the logos of the world’s top brands.

They are simple, yet professional.

You should prefer to get a simple logo for your brand so that it can get more attention of the viewers.

If you get an overly complicated logo, it will be difficult for people to remember or recognise it.

Also, you should ignore the core objective in a way to give more designs to the logo.

Your logo design should be representative of your business, and it must have the quality to attract people towards it.

You need to use a clear design while getting your logo created.

No matter if you are getting a new logo for your business or redesigning the logo of an existing company, you should choose a logo that can symbolise your brand accurately.

You should also be extra selective while choosing its colour, fonts, and style.

There are many examples of famous brands that redesigned their logo to get a better place in their respective market.

The best example is of Windows, who changed its logo so many times to get more and more importance in the public minds.

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With so many redesigns, Windows has now one of the simplest yet effective logos in the world.

2 — Get an adaptable Logo for Different Uses

When you are getting your logo designed, you need to remember that the logo will be utilised for multiple purposes.

A logo is not limited to a website, but it is also used in different soft and hard copies, such as flyers, posters, banners, and business card designs.

While getting your logo designed, you should keep in mind where the logo will be implemented so that you can get one for your needs.

Businesses which run their business through mobile applications, they get their logo designed while focusing on how their logo will appear on mobile apps.

Online stores tend to get a logo for their store so that they depict professionalism and quality in their world and can increase their revenue.

If wouldn’t go in your favour if you get your logo designed without mentioning the place for which it is required to the designer.

Though your logo on a website and delivery trucks look similar, the development for both is completely different.

You need to tell your designer what purpose the logo will be primarily used.

3 — Consider a Timeless Design

You need to find a design for your logo that will stand the test of time.

You should avoid designs that are based on trends because they can go out of fashion after just a few months and then your logo will appear outdated.

It will be better for you to get such a design that is timeless and can look new with every current trend or fashion.

You should avoid domains that are time-focused too because it will force you to get your logo redesigned in a very short time.

It will not go in your favour if you get your logo redesigned again and again in a very short period.

By saying not to use any trendy design, it does not mean that you should entirely avoid giving a contemporary look and feel to your logo.

The thing is that you should choose a logo that can remain new for a long time and should look good according to modern styles.

4 — Update the Design of Your Logo over Time

There comes a time in every business that it needs to update its logo.

No matter how creative or artistic a logo you have, it will not last forever, and one day, you will have to get it refreshed.

Anyhow, you are not always suggested to change the logo completely.

If your business is doing well with your current logo, you would be better to change it a little bit or use a cleaner icon to give it a more pleasing look.

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To get your logo perfectly redesigned, you need to get services of a professional Branding Agency.

You may come across with many case studies of top brands that they have redesigned their logo to get more attention from people.

They kept a balance between their old and new look and gained maximum attention from by changing their logo.

5 — Find the Right Logo Design Company

Finding the right company to get your perfect logo designed is vital.

You cannot afford to get the services from an unprofessional designer because it is the thing that on which the whole success of your business relies on.

You should conduct thorough research in finding the right designer and judge the company following these tips.

You can check their reviews and testimonials on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Linkedin.

You can also see their reviews on their website and different review sites so that you can make sure that the company has got some successful projects in its graphic design portfolio.

You should check the business by analysing its logo design process.

Professional companies follow a particular process in their work environment.

You can check the company’s work style to check their professionalism.

The company should start everything with a meeting in which you should discuss everything and make them aware of your requirements.

The next thing they should do is to show you various logos and ask you which one you like.

By doing this, the designer will be able to understand your requirements about your business logo needs.

The company should also be offering unlimited revisions so that you can get what exactly you want.

It rarely happens that a designer creates something and you get exactly what you want in the very first file.

Most of the time, revisions work to give what you want.

So, offering unlimited rounds of review should be one of the features the company you intend to choose for logo design offers.

Consequently, it is important to get a perfect logo for businesses because it is the thing that can create a strong brand identity.

Once you have finalised your mission, vision, and philosophy of your company, the next thing you need to do is to get the logo designed for your business.

The better logo you have, the better it can improve your success.

It can help you grow in your industry and can allow you to achieve your desired or planned business goals.

It also creates a unique image of your brand in the eyes and minds of your consumers, building a healthy relationship between you and your clientele.

With proper management and research, you can find the perfect logo design company that can provide you with a great logo for your brand.

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It depends on how you find a qualified company and how well you are aware of the services they provide.

It is true that every person cannot see what a specialist can do in a logo.

However, it will be ideal if you are aware of the knowledge of recognising the right logo when you see it.

Otherwise, you should consult someone who can tell you that which logo is better for your needs.

Though it will cost you more to hire a designer and a consultant together, you will get a perfect final design for your brand that is worth more in the long run.

Companies can spend huge amounts to get their desired logo, so you would be lucky to get a good one for less than $500.

Author Bio: Emily Ben started her professional career as a freelance digital marketing analyst in 2015. For 2 years, she proved herself as one of the top digital marketing experts in the UK. Currently, she is working with the most professional logo design company Crafted Logo. You can also follow Crafted Logo on Twitter @CraftedLogo, or can reach the company at

If you wish to discuss how we can develop your brand or provide graphic design for your product or business, email us at:

Inkbot Design is a Creative Branding Agency that is passionate about effective Graphic Design, Brand Identity, Logos and Web Design.

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Inkbot Design
Inkbot Design

Inkbot Design is a Branding Agency & Graphic Design Studio. We Help Businesses Grow with Professional Logo Design, Brand Identity, Web Development & Marketing.