Ready Made Logos for Sale — Pros & Cons

Inkbot Design
Inkbot Design
Published in
7 min readMay 8, 2017


Ready made logo designs, as evident from the name, are logos that design studios usually have already worked on and offer to sell them to suitable buyers.

Pre-designed logos, pre-made logos, stock logos and shelf logos are also some other attributes of the ready-made logos.

However, ready-made logos are different from template logos.

Why? That I will explain a little later in the post.

First and foremost, we need to understand what ready made logos are, how they are designed, and what are their pros and cons.

Usually, ready made logos are created by designers when they work on different themes as in exercise or practice to enhance their skills.

A sudden spark of creativity is also something that leads to the creation of a design.

We all know that inspiration can come from anywhere and anytime.

So, it is understandable that whenever something creative catches a designer’s attention, the outcome is a creative output.

Designers make the best use of their creative ideas and transform them into reality by drawing or sketching or giving them a shape right away.

I think that is one way to explain the birth of a ready made logo.

What are Ready Made Logos For?

The primary purpose of ready made logos is to make it easier for customers to buy brand identities.

Nevertheless, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

There are certain situations when it is a good idea to grab a premade logo, but it is not the case all the time.

We will take a thorough look at benefits and downsides of ready-made logos.

Why is it good to buy a premade logo?

  • Time saving
  • No communication gap
  • Quick and easy
  • Budget limitation
  • Test projects
  • Confused management
  • Love at first sight

Time Saving

It is one of the main features of readymade logos that you can save time.

Instead of waiting for your custom logo design for days, you can order and receive your readymade logo in almost one business day.

We at Inkbot Design have this routine of getting the procedure done within 24 hours.

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No Communication Gap

Typically, asking for a custom logo design requires you to communicate the basic idea that you have in your mind about your brand and its values.

Luckily, this is not the case with ready-made logos.

You get to see the collection of pre-designed logos and select the one that best describes your feelings and matches your taste.

This way, you do not have to prepare a design brief for the person who’s creating your company emblem.

You are in control of the situation and pick your logo without any hassle.

Quick and Easy

Imagine you have started a new business and need a brand identity for your unique set of services, but you do not have a particular idea how your logo should look like: or maybe you do not have the time to wait for a custom job.

The quick and easy way for branding is to choose your brand’s visual identity from stock logos.

You can browse through the various logo categories and select the most relevant design for your brand.

Budget Limitation

Likewise, if you have already invested money in setting up your business and have budget limitation to spend on a logo.

The readymade logos come handy in such situations.

If you cannot afford professional graphic design services or a custom job, you can simply go with the ready-made logos.

Suitable for Test Projects

To utilise the option of ready made logos is good when you have a test project in hand.

It would not be advisable to spend the budget in custom identity if the project is only for a test.

In such a case, it is possible that you would be able to find something relevant in the premade logos that works for a while and does the job for your brand.

Confused Management

There’s another prominent reason to choose a ready made design over a commissioned logo.

It is when the management is not clear on the vision of the company.

A logo design is meant to represent company values, and if the administration is not ready to decide on the core values for their identity mark, it is better to opt for premade logo design.

Love at First Sight

Love, at first sight, is also an important factor in opting for premade logos.

Usually, the online logo maker sites have plenty of designs with different themes tailored for some businesses.

If you happen to browse through the stock logo galleries, the chances are that some design might catch your attention instantly.

Related Article: How Color Affects Marketing and Branding Design

If you fall in love with a premade design at first glance, you should probably get hold of it.

It is likely that the selected brand mark will make a good fit for your business.

Okay, so far it was the bright side of the picture.

Let me help you understand some of the drawbacks of readymade logos.

Downside of buying a ready made logo

  • Making the wrong choice
  • Template logos
  • Risk of copying
  • Lazy Designer
  • Design Customization

Making the wrong choice

The problem comes in when you do not make the right selection of your logo maker.

It is against the ethics of work, but some logo providers do violate the rules and sell one logo design to more than one customer.

Just be advised to do proper research about the design provider or the online site you are buying from.

Check its credibility and then make the decision of making a deal.

Carefully examine the complete package and offerings what the seller claims to provide.

Making a wrong choice will lead you to problems.

It will not only cause the loss of money but a waste of your valuable time.

Template Logos

Furthermore, you should always check that you are not making a selection from the template logos as they are referred to logos that are resold.

Template logos do not come with exclusive rights, which can lead to a trademark battle with some other company that paid for the same logo.

Hence, make sure that the logo you are buying has exclusive ownership rights.

The sites that deal in template logos welcome work from anyone, which creates a perfect opportunity for junior designers or students to submit their below par icons.

Most of these designs are just generic in nature.

In other words, we can say that template logos are the spam of graphic design.

Risk of copying the design

There’s another similar issue with stock logos that anybody can view them even without buying them.

So, there is a chance that somebody saw that particular logo design and copied which you happen to pay for.

This is how a logo design loses its uniqueness and fails to carry the brand essence.

Lazy Designers

On the other hand, if the designers do not do their job honestly and make minor variations in the same design, that would not play well on your brand’s name.

Even if you decide on buying a readymade logo, it should have its style to represent the brand in a distinctive way.

Related Article: Designing Corporate Symbols

Otherwise, it is useless.

Each logo should be created from scratch keeping in mind the values and philosophy that a brand promotes.

Design Customization

Suppose, you see a logo, and it catches your heart, but you want some variations.

With ready-made logos, there are limited changes that you can ask for.

Usually, it is the colour, the font and case that are changeable.

If you would ask for further customization in design or theme, it will obviously cost more money and consume extra time.

Final Verdict

It is strongly recommended that each company should acquire the services of a branding professional, who is experienced and know the importance of a visual identity for a brand.

A logo design should be based on a well thought creative brief that covers company’s objective and its core values.

In case, you are not in a position to afford a decent designer; the best strategy is to wait instead of ruining your company image with a bad design.

Still want to buy a premade logo, buy it from a credible source.

A logo design, in some situations, is the only ambassador of your company’s values.

So, it has to be a good one.

It should make an appeal to potential customers

After reading about various pros and cons, you must have got an insight into the pre-designed logos.

I would like to tell you that our logo design store offers a complete range of readymade logos that are unique in nature, chic in style, and are sold with the proper ownership transfer agreement.

You can order a stock logo and make it your trademark without having to worry about any trouble.

Our team of expert designers work hard on every single project, and design logos that put a new life into your brand.

The processing is very simple; you pick a design, place an order and get your hands on your new logo within one business day.

We do not practice the model of selling the same design to other clients. We love to create and help brands with unique identities.

Author Bio: Waqas is co-founder and creative head at FULLSTOP — The Digital Creative Agency. I love to talk about logo design & branding.

If you wish to discuss how we can develop your brand or provide graphic design for your product or business, email us at:

Inkbot Design is a Creative Branding Agency that is passionate about effective Graphic Design, Brand Identity, Logos and Web Design.

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Inkbot Design
Inkbot Design

Inkbot Design is a Branding Agency & Graphic Design Studio. We Help Businesses Grow with Professional Logo Design, Brand Identity, Web Development & Marketing.