Capitalization 101

Madeleine Fawcett
InkHouse Creates
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2020

On this edition of “Writing Rules,” we’re highlighting some of the key rules to remember when it comes to capitalization:

Capitalize proper nouns

  • Ex: Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge never gets old.

Capitalize titles preceding names, but not titles that follow names

**This is an important one to remember when writing quotes in press releases!

  • Head Chef Michael Tusk of Quince in Jackson Square has won many awards.
  • Michael Tusk, the head chef of Quince, has won many awards.
  • This Op-Ed about 20th-century board game design was written by Professor Edgar Plum.
  • “We still haven’t found the murder weapon,” said Edgar Plum, a professor at Clue University.
  • The leading suspect of this case is Colonel Jack Mustard.
  • “I didn’t do it; it was Miss Scarlet,” insisted Jack Mustard, a colonel in the U.S. Army.

Capitalize days of the week, months of the year, holidays (but not seasons generally — see last example)

  • Ex: In July, Karl the Fog is always in full force.
  • Ex: I plan to dress up in a crazy costume and run Bay to Breakers this year.
  • Ex: If you’re planning a summer getaway to San Francisco, bring a warm jacket.

Capitalize the first word in a sentence that is a direct, complete quote

  • Ex: Mark Twain once said, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”
  • Ex: Madeleine said she was “very excited” to go to the creative writing class with me in the Richmond.

Capitalize national, political, and athletic groups

  • Ex: You could say I’m a Golden State Warriors fan.

Capitalize periods and events (but not century names)

  • The California Gold Rush began in 1848.
  • The biggest San Francisco earthquake of the twentieth century was the one that happened in 1906.

Capitalize trademarks

  • Ex: The Google ad “Loretta” made everyone in the San Francisco office cry.

Capitalize words like mom and grandpa when they are used as a form of address

  • Ex: Just wait until Mom comes to visit!
  • Ex: My grandpa is going to dislike all of the hills in this city.

When writing this post, we referenced the Purdue Owl. Read more about capitalization here.

