Sunflower to Vampire : Thoughts of a Mother-to-be

Ananya Sri
Inking My Mind
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2019
Photo from the archives, 2011 visit to scenic Kashmir : The ‘shikara’ boatride on the Dal lake capturing my basking in the sun — Sunflower moment :)

“Rahil, what is the difference between a dracula and a vampire?” I asked my (pregnant) husband randomly on a Saturday afternoon, the +1 day to 18 weeks :) “They are definitely related!” He answered with all his sincerity, as always. This led to the imperative Google Search on ‘Dracula and Vampire Relation’. Yes, this happens at our place. Now, I can imagine you are wondering, what is this all about? Stay with me, I will get to it.

Unfortunately, I have been grappling with strong recurrent headaches which sometimes start as I wake up in the morning and get stronger through the day and last till I sleep at night. It hasn’t been easy. But every cloud has to have (or you can’t rest till you find it) — a silver lining. Since, weekly or biweekly headaches are common during pregnancy but when combined with high blood pressure, this can be a serious issue (and an early symptom to Preclampsia). Therefore, as a logical next step, I got my blood pressure checked and thank God, it was normal and actually more towards the lower side — this was my silver lining. I mean, Headaches + low blood pressure is better than Headaches with high blood pressure. Yes, priorities change. Of course, with low blood pressure, I do need to manage my low energy levels but at least it is something that I can somewhat control. Touchwood.

But because of these headaches, I have turned into a vampire, with a strong sensitivity to light. We constantly have the blinds / curtains drawn, that too in Dublin where the sun is so rare but still I don’t like the sunlight or bold lights or shiny surfaces or any glare or even screens (right now, I am feeling better. Thank you!) If you know me, you might know that for so many years, I was always found to be facing the glorious sun at office or at home, the more so since we moved to Dublin. I would always find a sunny spot and then move along with the sun just like a sunflower! So this latest allergy to sun, made me realize how I have turned into a vampire, cringing and irritated by lights . I would say that the paracetamols bring back the sunshine in my life and I am hopeful that in a few days, the headaches will subside.

By the way, Dracula as you know was a character created by Bram Stroker, an Irish author. This character, Dracula was a vampire. So, yes draculas are vampires. Here you go.

Another biiig incident that is making us smile today are the first kicks or flutters that we felt from our little one — making his little yet ‘grand’ gesture on St. Patrick’s Day, sooo Irish. :)

Happy St. Patrick’s day, everyone!!

