A Few Words on Connection and Goodbyes

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3 min readSep 26, 2019
Photo by Jared Sluyter on Unsplash

In July 2019, inkMend began sharing “Gentle Prompt”s in an effort to get us talking about human issues and the healing that comes during and after.

Our latest prompt, Connection, focuses on how important and influential relationships can be in both individual and conceptual ways — How lonely we are. Those times when all we want is to be heard, but can’t bring ourselves to reach out. How we fall in love with toxic people and cannot convince ourselves to let go of “potential”.

And, then the other side of the coin — how friendships uplift us and make us better people, how we learn self-love by watching others grow to love themselves, how teachers, or social workers, or counselors, remind us we are worth every bit of good that comes our way (and then some).

Your Words on Connection…

Our treasured Samantha Beach wrote a moving and relatable letter to her online friends and readers of inkMend in which she divulges very real feelings of loneliness, battles with mental and physical health, and the struggle of staying connected to people when you cannot leave your home.

In just a few short hours, Samantha has received an outpouring of generous and honest support from Medium writers and readers — proving connection can be had nearly anywhere we go, as long as we’re open to receiving it.

Come share the love with us

Sally Gallagher writes about her connection to her childhood — the farm, the cows, the family. It’s touching, vivid, and worth your time.

Vaishali Paliwal shares her connection to Earth — the only planet likely to sustain us. This poem moves us to consider how our choices affect all living creatures, even when we don’t mean to, and especially if we don’t care.

Laura Fox connects to her inner child and passes the wisdom of self-love on to the next generation.

and our very own editor, Leah J. 🕊, encourages us to reach out by reminding us of a unifying humanity in The Outliers.

Some other moving reads from September:

Kayla DouglasA Letter to My Mom

Sand RodziewiczWhat am I after Rape?

Christina Ward 🌼Sonnet 2, Never Again

Ashwini DodaniFree Your Soul from that Guilt

Marie PrichardMirror, Mirror on the Wall…

We’ll be writing about Connection until the second week of October, or for as long as the topic inspires you. You can expect a new gentle prompt around 10/10.

and on saying “Goodbye”

August’s prompt was all about “goodbye” — sometimes we say it well, others we wait too long, and too often we only wish we had the chance to say it at all. Below are just a few of our writer’s responses to this tender prompt.

Marie PrichardThe Pain of Estrangement…A Mother Left Behind

Laura FoxGrieving for the Living

Mary McGrathThe Panic Beneath Her

Chris DrewThere is a Season

Ashley PetersonI Don’t Know How to Goodbye

Trisha TraughberOne Last

LBMr. Whimsy

Samantha BeachThere’s One Word My Husband and I Won’t Say…

inkMend is a writer’s safe space on Medium to express experience with pain and write to heal from trauma. Inspired non-fiction, memoir, fiction, and poetry welcome.

If you’d like to write for inkMend you can read more about our focus and how to submit HERE.




…in search of dread secrets with which to weave tales. Dark & Strange Fiction Editor, Creative Collaborator, Advocate for survivors of abuse.