Reinventing Visitor Management in the era of tablets and smartphones

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3 min readFeb 12, 2016

Recently I visited my friend’s office, who works in a top e-commerce company and the moment I entered her office, I was pleasantly surprised by colorful walls with striking graphics, beautiful green spaces crafted on the floor and posh sofas complimenting the decor. I walked to the reception and a beautiful lady greeted me in the most mesmerizing voice. With a charming smile, she asked me the reason of my visit and passed me a visitor logbook.

All my compliments for my friends’ office went straight to the drain looking at that old tattered visitor book.

Warm greeting and pleasant decor is welcoming, but how much I wished a modern and tech-savvy business like theirs should have extended office beautification into their way of greeting visitors also. But the fact is that the outdated visitor logbook is still thriving in most of the offices. It’s a big dampener and therefore a personal and convenient automated visitor management system is the need of an hour.

There are still some really important reasons why you should update visitor management system in your offices, apartment, events, hospitals and so forth.

Modern Makeover

Messy counters, sign-in logs, security screenings, there’s a lot of clutter at your office front desk. It gives a feeling that businesses are not tech-savvy and ill-equipped to deal with the modern needs. Guests don’t find it welcoming as well. When you go to an office, you look for a personal touch that instantly makes your stay more comfortable. How about clearing up the mess and set up a sleek and stylish tablet?

Streamlining Check-in Process

I hate long queues and specially queues in a busy conference centers where lobbies are flooded with guests and receptionists scratching their hairs managing them. Now imagine a conference, where a few tablets are kept and check-in process suddenly become a breeze with no queues and happy guests. Your only job is to check and manage centralized dashboard.

Helping your security team

Security can keep an eye on people who are entering and exiting the premises, but they can never be sure of the authenticity of the information people enter in the logbook. The modern visitor management system take security to the next level with instant authentication of visitor phone number and other details over the cloud.

Safeguarding visitor information

It’s a nasty habit for some who give a good glance to details entered by other guests while entering their own information in the security logbook. Automated visitor management system will safeguard guest details from these prying eyes with information available to only those who are responsible for the visit and not strangers.

Faster Communication

Visitor management system can enhance communication between hosts, visitors and security personnel during big events. Venue information can be communicated via messages and automatic checkins can be done to fasten the process. Hosts can approve registration immediately after checkins from their smartphones, without the hassle of security calls.

Going Green

Logbooks are not just an overhead, but also less environment friendly. Automating visitor management system will reduce paperwork.

Setup triggers

Not just guests, there are deliveries, contractors, workers, vendors, suppliers and many more who check-in and check-out every day, you can set-up triggers to get notified once they are in, it’ll efficiently deal with your business partners.

Modern systems to compliment modern decor

These are all reasons to help you, but a convenient system is a boon for any guest who walks in. It makes your visitor happy, feel more welcomed and appreciated in your premises. Modern up-to-date visitor management system is moving towards the journey of NEED to NECESSITY.

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