Fundraising Fear: How the Words You Use Can Win or Lose Fundraising Clients

JP Hunt
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2016
Example of an InkSoft Powered Online Fundraising Store.

Fundraising is supposed to be straightforward. You create a product for your client, the client brings in supporters who buy the product, and you give a portion of the funds back to the client to support their organization or cause.

But earning a fundraising client’s business is trickier than it might appear. The fact of the matter is that the words you use can have a huge impact on whether or not they choose to go with your printing services.

Below are the most popular phrases that are used in fundraising negotiations. Each phrase has its merits, but there’s actually a best choice. Which one do you use?

Flat fixed amount

Example: “$5 for each t-shirt go to support your cause.”

A fixed amount keeps things simple, and it’s an easy way to organize a campaign if your customer is fundraising with just one product. But let’s be honest — how often does that happen?

For a fundraising campaign that has products at different price points, a flat fee is going to seem strange. For example, your client’s supporters might buy a $10 t-shirt and a $20 sweatshirt. If the client earns $5 from each of these very different purchases, your client is going to feel like they’re missing out on a portion of their earnings.

Percentage of proceeds

Example: “50% of proceeds go to support your cause”

This wording fixes the problem of different fundraising product prices. However, the term “proceeds” is ambiguous. Does it refer to total incoming revenue, or profits? It’s jargon that’s specifically used in fundraising, and clients that are not professional fundraisers can be turned off.

Percentage of profits

Example: “50% of profits go to support your cause”

Using the word “profits” clears up the confusion that “proceeds” presented. But unfortunately, ”profits” has its own issues.

Your client wants to know that you are on their side. Introducing the word “profits” as a key term can leave a bad taste in their mouth, making them feel like you’re using their cause to fill your piggy bank. Instead, you want to keep the focus on the cause itself.

Which brings us to…

Percentage of sales

Example: “50% of sales go to support your cause”

This phrase works in just about every situation. Why? Because it satisfies a key marketing principle: FUD.

FUD stands for “fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” It’s the idea that we as humans tend to stray away from decisions where there is fear, uncertainty, or doubt in the outcome.

In the case of fundraising, if your customer is uncertain about how much of a purchase will support their cause, they are more likely to avoid working with you. “Percentage of sales” clears away that uncertainty and avoids making negative associations in the mind of the buyer. And bonus: it’s the easiest metric to track and manage when it comes to distributing funds.

Want to make your fundraising process even easier?

InkSoft’s online fundraising store technology is helping print shops create, launch, and manage successful online fundraisers using printed goods. Get the details at, or call 800–410–3048 to speak with an InkSoft Expert.



JP Hunt
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Partner and Co-founder at the world’s most important software company…InkSoft. |