It’s Time To Determine the Ultimate Ping Pong Master: INKSOFT v. RYONET

Jessie Lewis
Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2016

Eight players.

Two teams.

One winner.

You may know InkSoft as those friendly folks who create an awesome software for print shops. But when we’re not helping people grow their businesses, we train.

Hours upon hours in our state-of-the-art meeting/training room. We practice day and night, without end, through every obstacle, until we rise from the embers like A FLAMING PHOENIX.

There are good table tennis teams. And then there’s the InkSoft table tennis team.

But every hero needs a nemesis.

Ryonet, we challenge you.

On October 7th, after the ISS Ft. Worth Trade Show in Texas, we’ll meet at Conlon’s Pub. 7 PM. Each company must contribute $1,000 to The Global Orphan Project to enter the tournament.

Winner gets eternal honor and glory. Loser picks up the bar tab.

Ryonet, are you in?

