HIDE #3 by Matt

Matt Supertramp
Inktober 2020
Published in
Nov 1, 2020

A short hide inspired poem by Matt from Cowboys from space.

I hide my soul in a box.

I put inside a little dragon.
That made me fly when I was too short to open the door.

I put inside a picture.
That I took of the most special person I have ever met from the door.

I put inside this letter.
That will stay here while my eyes will face the horror out of the door.

I hide my soul in a box.
To refind it if I will have the chance to open the door again.



Matt Supertramp
Inktober 2020

Writing stuff, collecting images and pieces for Sketching Words, sometimes looking for stories for Cowboys from Space. https://cowboysfromspace.wordpress.com/