Inside Boston Strong

How Boston Strong co-founder Chris Dobens embodies giving back to the community and what his next steps are

Davia Sobelman
Ink to the People
6 min readMar 1, 2017


You may remember Chris Dobens, Nick Reynolds, and Lane Brenner. If those names aren’t ringing any bells, you’ll surely remember the phrase “Boston Strong,” which became a rallying cry for Boston during a time of despair. It’s likely been on your mind with the 2017 Boston Marathon just around the corner…or because of Mark Wahlberg’s, “Patriots’ Day,” which is based on the tragic events that occurred April 15th, 2013. But “Boston Strong” is more than a catchy, heart-wrenching blockbuster film starring a familiar A-List celebrity. It is a statement of solidarity — a movement embraced by millions because it provided comfort and unity when they felt hopeless and defeated. During a time of national fear, millions wore and spoke the phrase “Boston Strong” all while simultaneously saying, “We are with you.”

Thanks to Overpass Light Brigade

April 15th, 2013 will forever be remembered as a day that threatened national security and challenged the hope of millions. All across the country, families gathered in front of their television sets, radios, and glaring computer screens. “2 bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon finish line,” headlines read, “3 killed, hundreds injured, suspects unknown at this time.” In awe, Americans everywhere found themselves trying to piece together how this was possible, why it happened, and what they should do next. There were a whirlwind of emotions that captured the eerie, unsettling feeling that was difficult to avoid.

As a nation, we mourned.

That’s how 3 panicked Emerson college students felt as they searched for a mere glimpse of hope when faced with trauma. Feeling trapped, they took their emotions and launched a t-shirt fundraising campaign to unite individuals, raise money, and be active when they felt they had nothing else. It may seem simple now, letting the phrase “Boston Strong” roll off your tongue, but at the time it mended the hearts of pained souls everywhere. This campaign brought people together and they let out a rally cry. They raised over 1.4 million dollars for the One Fund Boston and still continue selling the t-shirt today. The 2017 Collection has grown to include various merchandise products, including hoodies and a knit cap!

Chris Dobens didn’t expect for this to become a national phenomenon. The Boston Strong co-creator and former Emerson College student is still humbled by how he was able to be a small part of something so special. Honestly, can you imagine walking down the street, seeing someone wearing your t-shirt and thinking, “I was part of spearheading that movement?” Me neither. According to Chris, he often finds it difficult to process too.

These days, you’ll find Chris working as a Social Media Content Coordinator with a marketing agency in the Boston area and training for the 2017 Boston Marathon. His genuine passion for the national tragedy can be seen through his constant efforts of giving back, which sparked his decision to participate in the race in the first place. “Since Boston Strong, I’ve wanted to run the Boston Marathon for a charity that focused on developing new ways to help trauma patients,” he shared with us, while explaining why you’ll see him running in the race this year. After researching various organizations that sponsor the marathon, he came across the Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Stepping Strong Marathon team. It was a perfect fit for what Chris was looking for. At that point, it was a no-brainer. He knew what he had to do.

So in typical Chris Dobens fashion, he spoke with the Reny family and launched a Stepping Strong, Boston Strong t-shirt fundraiser to raise money for the Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation, which opened in January 2017. The advanced addition to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital can be found in the Transformative Medicine building, which is dedicated to research and recovery efforts for trauma victims. The recently added Stepping Strong, Boston Strong t-shirts showcase the Stepping Strong notable colors and Boston Strong signature style.

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Gillian Reny was a bystander at the Boston Marathon, April 15, 2013. She and her parents were waiting for her sister Danielle at the finish line when the two explosions went off. All three were immediately rushed to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Although her parents obtained minor wounds and were treated quickly, Gillian faced life-threatening injuries. Against all odds, the doctors and nurses were able to save both of her legs. Gillian is 1 of 39 individuals that suffered critical physical lacerations and were treated at BWH that day.

Chris was drawn to Gillian's story because of his own personal experiences, which lead him to take action following the bombings. “I had a few really close friends injured in the marathon bombings, and most of them are still recovering from trauma-related injuries.” As this resonates with him personally, he spoke with the rest of the Boston Strong team. After some discussion, they decided to transfer the funds to The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation starting February 1st, 2017. Time and time again, Chris strives to raise as much money as possible for the Boston community, while never keeping a penny.

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With April 17th just around the corner, Chris is gearing up for the 2017 Boston Marathon. The Stepping Strong team is half-way towards their goal of 1.5 million dollars. Based off of their successful fundraising efforts in the past, there’s no reason they won’t achieve it. The impressive group of runners has been managing their personal fundraisers, but you can support Chris by purchasing a t-shirt or donating directly to his Crowdrise page.

Chris Dobens is an example of how anyone, anywhere can impact millions. His humbling perspective is a great addition, but his heartwarming actions speak louder. When asked about how his involvement with Stepping Strong and Boston Strong will impact his career, his answer was simple… he yearns to work in the nonprofit sector down the line. This comes as no surprise to us, since his unique experiences have influenced his passion the past few years and will continue to do so in the future.

“The first couple of days were overwhelming in the best way possible. We had no idea that our shirt would be so successful.” With a modest goal of 110 t-shirts, the trio surpassed their goal by a long shot. Within the first few days, they sold at least 1,700 shirts. Three days later, an additional 6,800 orders were placed. Less than a week after that, the numbers skyrocketed to 38,000 t-shirt orders, which were being shipped all over the world. As a Boston resident, his triumphant movement means that much more to Chris. When it’s all said and done, Chris wants one thing in the years that follow, “I hope one day I can combine my interest for philanthropy with my social media skills to make Boston Strong a foundation that will continue to help the victims of trauma.”

Bravo, Chris. You have impacted millions through the power of “Boston Strong.” The funds you raised have helped so many in pain and continue to provide assistance for those recovering today. A typical college student turned philanthropic professional, you are an example of how a few words can spread love, even when it seemed nearly impossible. We applaud you.

To support Chris Dobens fundraising efforts and cheer on the runners at the 2017 Boston Marathon, purchase your Stepping Strong apparel here or share this story with your family and friends to raise awareness about his next movement.

Inspired by Chris? Start your own t-shirt fundraiser today! Click here.



Davia Sobelman
Ink to the People

Storyteller at Ink to the People. Change-maker. Self-love advocate. Cheesehead.