People of Ink | Positively Awkward

Kid Ink
Ink to the People
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2019

Interview with Avonna of Positively Awkward

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Avonna Simmons. I’m a 24 year old babysitter, with a pretty inconsistent day to day schedule. I’m currently living in East Harlem (NYC) with my mother.

What motivated you to start this t-shirt fundraiser for Positively Awkward?
Honestly I’ve been so close to giving up hope, giving up on my dream and ultimately on Positively Awkward, but I stumbled upon the site and I felt like it was a sign… my last ditch attempt at making my dreams come true.

How did you decide that name?
The name come from my two friends Taylor and Cristal, and I that I met on Twitter some years ago. We three gave YouTube a shot and we came up with the name Positively Awkward. Our goal was to spread positivity and be a group that accepted people and their differences, because we were also three young woman who were very different that came together. It eventually didn’t work out, but the name stuck with me. In December 2016, I asked them if it was okay if I used the name for something different — which became my brand.

What does the t-shirt design and message mean to you?
I’ve got a collection of logos, but this new logo is new and special. For me, it symbolizes a fresh start. Trying to relaunch the brand, I decided to reach out to the artist that created my previous logos and brainstormed on this new logo. Her name is @joifish on Instagram, she’s so talented and amazing and helped me bring this new logo to life.

How did you determine your fundraising goal?
The fundraising goal honestly was just a random number. Any money that I raise from this will help me and Positively Awkward.

Where are the funds being donated?
The funds are going towards the brand and me relaunching it entirely. New website, new items, new beginnings.

What’s the hardest part about building a brand?
The hardest part about building a brand is honestly the urge not to give up. Starting from the ground up is difficult. There are a lot of successes but also a lot of failures. Some days you feel like giving up but when you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, no matter how far you’ve gotten, you don’t want to give up.

What keeps you motivated?
Honestly, the support and the people are what keep me motivated. I can say that I have a great group of people behind me — family, friends and customers aka the #AwkwardSquad.

Do you have any tips for people creating their own campaigns?
A tip I have for people… Hmm… Follow your dreams and don’t give up! Be grateful for every person that supports you and your campaign, even if it’s only a handful. One person can make a difference. :)

What are you looking forward to in 2019?
I’m looking forward to seeing how far I can take Positively Awkward and how many people I can reach.

Hoodie + Tee:

Check out her campaign here:

Thank you for sharing your amazing story Avonna! — Team Ink

Have a story you’d like to share? Please feel free to reach out! Send an e-mail to:



Kid Ink
Ink to the People

Documenting people who spread their message with ink!