So you’ve Launched your Campaign, now what?

Ink to the People
Ink to the People
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2021

Once you have launched your campaign, you may be wondering when those supporters will appear. Ink to the People is a platform for people to use hassle-free for a cause/movement. Want to spread awareness? Well, it’s not over yet! Our team wants to assist you even further!

Social media is your very best friend when it comes to promoting and getting your campaign out there. In this day and age, social media is extremely popular. So it’s the best way to get more people to see your campaign and spread awareness.

The question is which one is the best to use? Any and all social media you own is the best choice! The most important place to post about your campaign is the social media you have the most following. For example, if you have more friends on Facebook than followers on Instagram or Twitter you should focus on Facebook for your posts.

So what happens if you don’t have a social media account? In that case, your best bet would be to create your own. Another option is if you’re raising funds for someone else/a non-profit you can always reach out to them and ask them to promote your campaign as well! Asking your friends and family to share your post for you is also a step in the right direction.

If you need more information on how to make a social media account you can look here:

If your campaign is for an event you can also make new social media accounts for your event to post on. Facebook has the option to create event pages, so you don’t have to make an entirely new account.

Now that you have your social media account up and ready it’s time to create your post.

What makes a good post?

  • Engaging Imagery. Many people will look at your pictures before reading your post, so you want something that’s going to catch someone’s eye and make them interested in
    your campaign.
  • Using free mockups from
  • Post a selfie of yourself or someone you know.
  • Post an image of your garment
  • Ask your supporters for pictures of them in your garments
  • Use vocabulary that will pull people in and make them want to read your post.
  • Make sure you spell-check your posts or even have someone else proofread. The second set of eyes might catch something you missed or give you a good idea!
  • Use active, interesting vocabulary
  • Reference posts that you’ve been interested in
  • A URL link to your campaign so people can have quick access!
  • Add your campaign URL to your Instagram bio or your Facebook/Twitter post
  • Hashtags are very important, it makes your post more accessible and creates more ways for people to find your post. They can connect you with your followers as well as your followers with each other.
  • You should create your own hashtags for your campaign that your followers can use to share your post!
  • Example: Putting #inktothepeople will make it so when you click on the hashtag you see all of the posts with that hashtag. So if you have your own hashtag for your campaign your followers can easily click the hashtag to find everything posted about it!
  • This is mostly important for Instagram since they allow the most hashtags.

Your post is now ready, but is that really all?

The first time you post shouldn’t be your last! Make sure to continue to make posts throughout your campaign time. You can remind people how much time they have left to purchase something if your campaign is for an event or doesn’t have much time left. Make sure to try to post something for at least the beginning, middle, and end of your campaign.

It’s important for these posts that you don’t just copy and paste the same one to share over and over. You should create a new, engaging post for everyone. Along the way make sure you are sharing any posts your supports make about your campaign as well as ask everyone to continue to share!

If your campaign is for an event make sure to mention that and let people know when they need to order their garments to receive them on time!

Every social media has assets you can use to your advantage when it comes to promoting.

Instagram has the ability to use up to 30 hashtags. Stories are also an amazing way to remind your followers about your campaign without having to make an entirely new post. It’s also important to remember to have a clickable link in your Instagram bio because links are sadly not clickable in posts.

With Facebook, if you are using pages, you can pin the post so it stays at the top of your page. You should also make sure to include the URL of your campaign in every post. If it’s affordable and within your budget, using boosted posts is another good way to get more people to see your campaign.

Twitter also has the option for you to pin a post to the top of your page. You can also ask your followers to retweet your post to share with their followers and so on.

Download our PDF checklist to make sure you don’t miss any steps!

One of the most important things to remember is:

