The FUN in Fundraising!

Does it exist? You bet it does! Here are some clever, embarrassing and down right silly ideas to add life to your fundraising efforts.

Kid Ink
Ink to the People
Published in
4 min readAug 13, 2018


There’s no I in team. But there is FUN in fundraising. And for that reason, we’ve decided to divulge into the world of fundraising. We’re here to show you unique ways that will add life to your fundraiser, and how fun can easily be attainable if you want it to be.

That’s because you should enjoy giving back, and not just because you’re donating time and energy towards a cause important to you, but because it can be more thrilling than it seems. Since you’re the spokesperson for your campaign, you’re more likely to attract a larger audience.

So in an effort to spice up your fundraiser, we’ve put together some ‘funtivities’ that will engage your audience, attract new buyers and excite people!

Countdown for “You Can’t Delete Us.” campaign.


Entice people with a countdown. Nothing gets people more hyped than anticipation. Don’t start too far in advance — it’s difficult to maintain an audience’s attention for that long. Keep it reasonable. 7 to 10 days is a good amount of time to build some momentum. Throughout the process, give everyone some surprises or incentives (below)!


An event will surely get people involved with your fundraising initiative. It’s an entertaining way to showcase what you’re raising money for. Game night or a yard sale are easier events to put together to raise money. If you’re feeling up for it, try a 50/50 raffle! All of which are great opportunities to sell your t-shirts and for those who missed out on buying one, send em’ the link!


People LOVE a good surprise. Catching your audience off guard will absolutely attract more people to your campaign. You might even surprise yourself with all the new donors you’ll be reaching. If you have any tricks up your sleeve, now’s the time to use them.

Photo Shoot

Have your friends purchase your t-shirt to support the cause and have a photo shoot for fun! Rally the troops for a fun daytime activity. Scout out a visually appealing background and go at it! If you’re like me, taking photos can be awkward or trivial but just laugh it off. Not only because that will supply an adorable candid shot but because you’re already out there representing a cause you care about. If that doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will!

Behind the Scenes

Since everyone is always searching for what goes on behind closed doors, just let em’ know! Give some insight as to what the discussions like and what they’re not seeing. Whether it’s embarrassing details of planning an event, hilarious bloopers, you name it. People gravitate towards individuals that are real, honest and transparent. Give it a shot, it won’t hurt!


Create some excitement to meet your goals. Offering people incentives is a great way to encourage people to purchase your t-shirt. Say, if you sell 100 shirts, you’ll wear a funny costume all day or have a pie thrown in your face. For the braver souls out there, propose that if you sell X amount of shirts, you’ll dye your hair a silly color! Whatever does the trick, right?

My favorite suggestion is a water dunk tank. Although you would either need a connection, have it donated or be OK with investing money into a rental, a dunk tank is guaranteed to provide some laughs while cooling off on a hot summer day.

Social Media Challenge

Social media plays a huge role in your fundraising efforts. I’m sure you heard Drake’s ‘In My Feelings’ song due to the Kiki Challenge recently, which goes to shows you that social media goes a long way. Challenge people to wear their t-shirt while doing or saying something. Be creative. Have some fun with it and start with your inner circle. Remember, you’re more likely to have something catch on when you rally your immediate network of family and friends. You have nothing to lose!


It’s crucial to send a thank you to all those that have supported your fundraising efforts, whether it’s donating money or time. A thank you goes a long way and we think that should go without saying. If it’s practical and you have the time, personal thank you letters to donors are encouraged.

That being said, leave people with a good note. A send off. Prepare them for next year, or your next fundraiser. Wrap all these ideas into one and be a little mysterious. Or give everyone a personal challenge until next time.

Start creating your t-shirt campaign today!



Kid Ink
Ink to the People

Documenting people who spread their message with ink!