Ask Inktrap: What’s your USP?

Inktrap Team
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2019

Welcome to Ask Inktrap, a series where we answer real or hypothetical questions about our process, the work we do or our culture. Created to give you a little insight into what we do.

Q: What would you say is Inktrap’s USP?

A: Weirdly, it’s probably the things that we don’t do. By not getting too involved in marketing or back-end development we can be much more focused on UX/UI design and front-end. It also means we can fit really well into startups and especially corporates, where design needs to be less constrained but back-end development can be done in-house.

We also have the advantages that come with being a smaller studio, primarily that we work directly with our clients with no people in-between. The person who did the work talks to the client about it — this tends to be pretty refreshing for clients who have moved from a larger agency.

— The Inktrap team

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