Ask Inktrap: WTF is MVP?

Rachel Brockbank
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2019

Welcome to Ask Inktrap, a series where we answer real or hypothetical questions about our process, the work we do or our culture. Created to give you a little insight into what we do.

Q: I’ve seen you tweet about MVP a lot, but what is that?

A: MVP is the acronym for Minimum Viable Publication, our weekly newsletter. Everyone in the studio shares interesting articles and tools we’ve found on the internet over Slack, and we thought perhaps other people might find what we collect interesting too so we shared it out with the big wild world. Our email goes out once a week on a Tuesday and it covers everything from design, development, articles, tools, websites and industry news. It’s a nice way to share stuff in one place which we think is cool, interesting and funny with a wider audience.

You can take a look at this weeks issue of MVP and the archive of past issues here (our 100th issue is a good one!)

— The Inktrap Team

If you’d like to keep up-to-date with the latest design, tech and other fun news, sign up to our weekly design newsletter Minimum Viable Publication. What do you think of our newsletter? Have we missed any great news? Let us know, follow us on Twitter and drop us a tweet!

