Ask Inktrap: How did Inktrap begin?

Sam Lester
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2019

Welcome to Ask Inktrap, a series where we answer real or hypothetical questions about our process, the work we do or our culture. Created to give you a little insight into what we do.

This question is something we get asked a lot, especially when meeting new clients and during interviews!

Q: How did Inktrap begin and become the studio it is today?

A: James and I started the company over 6 years ago, during our final year at Brunel University. We were essentially freelancing together at the start — my previous agency experience and James’ strong design process seemed to be a good match.

The Team

We started off doing marketing websites but soon got into apps. This led to us working with a bunch of different tech startups to help design and build their web or app MVPs. We learnt a lot really quickly as we were doing a bit of everything, from simple prototypes and marketing sites to full design and build of apps and back-end systems.

One of our many ongoing clients — Farillio

A few years ago we decided to shift our focus away from app development to focus on creating design systems for the web. This has allowed us to do more of what we truly enjoy — designing interfaces and implementing them in the browser. Since then, we’ve found our stride, doubling the size of the team and gaining some incredible clients, from startups to enterprise.

We’ve changed a lot in the last few years and we recently celebrated our 6th birthday as Inktrap. It’s a really exciting time, and with our growing team and new clients on board we’re really looking forward to seeing where the next 6 years will take us.

If you’d like to keep up-to-date with what we’re up to and any future job roles at Inktrap, follow us on Twitter and sign up to our weekly design newsletter Minimum Viable Publication.



Sam Lester

Co-founder, designer and front-end developer at @InktrapDesign. Sandwich enthusiast.