Top 5 Search Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know

4 min readMar 12, 2023

We’ll talk about the top five search algorithms in this tutorial article, which every programmer should be familiar with.

Stock Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

Many computer programs are built on search algorithms, making them a crucial ability for all programmers. Search algorithms are the backbone of many computer applications and are an essential skill for every programmer. They are used to search for data in various data structures and find the desired information. They are employed to locate the required data by searching for it in multiple data structures.

1. Linear Search

The linear search algorithm, commonly referred to as a sequential search, is a straightforward search technique that iteratively examines each member of a data structure to locate the required element. In order to find the requested element, it starts at the beginning of the data structure and compares each element.

The linear search algorithm’s worst-case time complexity is O(n), where n is the size of the data structure. The optimal level of temporal complexity is O(1) if the desired element is found at the beginning of the data structure.

Python’s linear search algorithm is demonstrated in the following example:

