Episode 1: Jealousy

Season 1: Luphan Alliance Series

Autumn Seave
Inky Blue Allusions
5 min readSep 18, 2020


Image source: Pixabay

“I’ll be back from my meeting with mother and the rest of the Alliance Council in a couple hours. You’re good to watch Daria and Rehan?” Kyria said.

“Of course,” I answered.

“Just watch Rehan and remind him when he is being too aggressive. He’s been getting stronger by the day, it seems.”

I laughed. “He’s only three. I think I can handle it.”

“Of course you can. Love you Max. I’ll see you after lunch.”

Kyria grew more and more beautiful each year. Even after two children, she was still lean and in great shape. Her red hair and porcelain skin made her seem younger than her 23 years. Now, three months pregnant, she was more radiant than ever. Her green eyes met mine, and I saw the love she had for me.

Daria was instructing Rehan on how to build the fort that they were building in our living space. She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder, just like her mother did when she was in boss mode. At 4 years old, Daria had her mother’s attitude, but she looked just like Denton and we were all sure that she was his child, even though we all claimed fatherhood.

