My Office Initiation Started with a Lesbian Orgy

What happens at Georgia’s stays at Georgia’s. It’s all in good fun.

Autumn Seave
Inky Blue Allusions
13 min readApr 23, 2021


Photo by V T on Unsplash

So far, I loved working with Carlton Realty. I was only a receptionist, but I was learning so much from the other women that worked there. In fact, I was strongly considering taking the necessary courses to become a realtor myself. It wasn’t what I had planned for my life but the company was a good company and Debra, the office manager, said that once I’d been with them for 6 months, they would cover 50% of the cost of the courses. It was looking like it might be a great idea.

Carlton Realty was a family owned business. Georgia and George Carlton owned the business. There were 10 realtors and 4 office personnel, including Debra, myself, and two other girls. I was low woman on the ladder, but Debra promised that if I put in the effort, I could easily be promoted within a year.

7 of the 10 realtors were women, and Georgia took great pride in leading a strong team of female employees. I could see why everyone loved her. At 35, she was the kind of woman that I hoped to be someday. She was smart and funny and she was beautiful. With shoulder length dark hair that was always impeccably styled, a lean body that made her 5’ 2” height look even more…

