Season’s greetings from InLife

David Clarke
InLife company blog
2 min readDec 21, 2015

On behalf of Louise and our Board members Wendy and Gabrielle, I’d like to wish you all the best from InLife for the holiday season. We’ve come a long way this year, and we couldn’t have done it without the support and encouragement of everyone who’s shared this journey with us. It’s early days, but we’re already delivering on our promise to lead the disability sector in a new way of providing personal care and support that brings the aspirations of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to life. We can show:

  • Our clients and team value the flexibility and freedom of our model that puts people with disability first. You can read some of their feedback here
  • For our clients, we’re up to 12% cheaper for daily support than NDIS prices, so we give them significantly more supports in their funded package
  • For our team, we pay at least $31 per hour, significantly above the highest Award wage rate for their role

We’d especially like to thank our early clients who have embraced their pioneering side and put their faith in a new provider of this very intimate service. And of course our amazing team of Assistants who get out and provide that service with a smile every day.

So bring on 2016! We’ve got some exciting developments planned, including tools to help people with disability prepare for the NDIS rollout, and new features in our service to help clients make the most of their funding package. Have a happy and safe Christmas, and we’ll be back in touch again in the New Year.

Warmest regards,

Founder, InLife



David Clarke
InLife company blog

Social business entrepreneur. Founder of InLife, a new disability support service