Bad Back


Caro Kocel
1 min readJun 21, 2020


Photo by the author

Gardening, an accidental slip, poor posture or too many hours at the computer; the reasons for a bad back are many. Reminded we’re not invincible, it’s hard to be 100% human on bad back days. Why not consider a standing-upside-down desk to vary your work posture during those many on-screen hours?

Bad back, bad back
every move — pain’s worse than a hefty smack

Can’t lean forwards
only bad back backwards
Can’t stand up from sitting down,
bad back sits me right
bad back down

Can’t sit down
only bad back upwards
not bad back sideways
or anyways
for bad backs
affect all ways
on bad

Do you have a story about a health condition or medical procedure? One of those you tell people at parties, and everyone bursts out laughing at your misfortune? Or maybe one of those you’ve never shared with fear of being a downer? We would love to hear it! Contribute to Innards, and join the team.



Caro Kocel

Nature-loving life-learning hula-hooping sunshine fish: UK, France, Japan, Micronesia.