
Successes, failures, take forwards, and never agains.

Colton Hathaway
Inner Geek


For those of you who have been watching the Inner Geek website being developed in real time, you know that the #5DayWebsite challenge has now come to an end. Before getting into any details, check out the progress we made throughout the week!

Day One (base layout, vector images, and a bunch of missing content)
Day Two (more content, some spelling errors, continued badassery)
Day Three (check out that robot animation, vector illustrations everywhere)
Day Four (some parallax, case study images, and we’re hiring modal)
Day Five (24/7 live feed of our dev cave, needs improvement, but go creep!)

Let’s Recap

Reviewing my original blog post, we had only 5 days to implement as much of our new website as possible, using proper web technologies and coding practices, while not killing ourselves with long hours throughout the process.

So, you’re wondering how we made out?

Success or Failure

When we decided to do this, we weren’t even sure if this was possible. I was confident in the team’s ability to execute, but a 5 day website was pushing it, even for us…

Without a doubt, it’s been one of the coolest processes we’ve ever tried at Inner Geek, and it was a huge success for a number of reasons!

  1. The team was totally invested in the project. They had creative freedom, and the ability to execute on their imaginations.
  2. Productivity was at an all time high. Three hour coding sprints proved to be massively successful, and we’re working that into our new workflow.
  3. We were accountable to our followers. People were expecting builds every three hours, throughout the week. And we didn’t disappoint.

For these reasons, and so many others, the #5DayWebsite challenge was everything I had hoped for. We generated interest for our upcoming launch (more to come), we proved that beautiful products can be built and released on a much shorter timeline, and we learned from the experience, taking all of this forward on our current and future internal and client projects.

It’s projects like these that make Inner Geek unique. We’re not afraid to challenge the status quo. We’re not afraid to take risks for the betterment of the industry. We’re not afraid.

We are the next generation of digital experiences.



Colton Hathaway
Inner Geek

Tech entrepreneur with a never-ending drive for personal and professional experience, connection, and growth. Director of Production at Northern Commerce.