Size doesn’t matter

Colton Hathaway
Inner Geek
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2015


Why the new Inner Geek is just as awesome, but only half the size.

The early days

Last year, our first full year in business, we saw massive growth as an agency. Our small founding team almost quadrupled in size by the time we figured out we were heading in the wrong direction.

Reasons for change

As we grew, we noticed that some of our founding principles weren’t moving forward with us. We were taking on projects that didn’t excite us. We were taking on projects where the clients didn’t respect us. We were taking on the wrong projects.

Clients as partners
Our most successful projects are with clients that truly feel like business partners; we’re invested in their product and they respect our vision. Immediately, we stopped participating in RFP processes and chose to not work on government funded projects (except special cases). We want to be partners with our clients. If they aren’t sold on us, we’re not sold on them.

Innovation required
Boring projects kill creativity.

We want to work on that!
Most agency executives won’t understand this one, but we vote on our projects as a team. It doesn’t matter how much money is on the table, if the team isn’t jazzed about working on something, we won’t.

Same geeks, new core team

Recognizing where we’ve come from, and where we plan to go, I’d like to introduce our new team. Consider this the new Inner Geek.

Inner Geek, v2.0
Colton Hathaway - Founder, CEO
Courtney Besley - Cofounder, COO
Aleem Haji - Cofounder, CTO
Ella Spin - Cofounder, CPO
Forrest Chauvin - Lead iOS Developer
Greg Smith - VP Web Tech
Jeff Pereyma - Lead Android Developer
Eric Taylor - VP Client Engagement

What does it take to be a geek?
Of course, new projects require more geeks. However, like new clients, we’re being uber selective with new geeks. You need to stand out. You need to be better. You need to be our rock star.


We’re proud of who we’ve become and are really excited about the changes we’ve been making. This year is going to be an incredible year; both for us and for our partners. Join us!



Colton Hathaway
Inner Geek

Tech entrepreneur with a never-ending drive for personal and professional experience, connection, and growth. Director of Production at Northern Commerce.