
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2018
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Thomas Edisons last words-“its very beautiful over there” I dont know where there is,but i know its somewhere and i hope its beautiful”.

Sitting by the window seat,somwhere around 20,000 feet above ground,in between the cobalt sky,thin sheet of air and moving along floating mushrooms.I am fascinated by the feeling that i am sitting in the airplane not because i want to flaunt my standards(most certainly not!).Solely because i can be plane philosophic.Observing the world pass by beneath me which clearly looks like a lego world to me and it occurs to me in a flash that we are going with the flow,following the same things as others.

Its like losing natural instinct and as humanly known original instincts are better than ideologies and ism`s imposed on us.

Perks of travelling by airplane.(a)you successfully escape the cacophony of numerous types of travellers because fellow passengers become taciturns,indicating sophistication(cries of small kids and their tantrums is inevitable) (b)the shy-ish environment of the cabin in a way sets one to procrastrinate,rather flirt with one`s thoughts,think,ponder.

Now all of sudden the glorious AHA moment;brilliance,seemingly striking out of nowhere and instantly we have it all figured out.Hello epiphany i have been waiting for you.

Looking out of the window,this time it`s golden-ish blaze and totally muddled in my thoughts at that point made me look like a trifle preoccupied and lost.All emotions converged on me in equal measures as i think about it.

Validating someone over me was what i always did and has been or will be my weakest point.Sudden realization to this in the heat of moment right there.Little did i know life is a solo ride and that you will have to go on with or without someone.That veered my thoughts to places and individuals.Communicating and knowing people who do not share the same culture as me,has always been a pleasure,that`s how i want my life to go on(not sudden realization but a point to highlight).thats probably called growing up.i want to find myself standing in middle of a crowded street,laughing at myself because of having no sense of that particular place,language and directions.If that is what feeds my way of living i would happily be living like that.

Spasmodic understanding cuff me again and hello again epiphany.

It`s ironic how much we prioritize things and all the things very ironically tops each things we prioritize.Accepting the reality,the truth is (a) firstly nothing is a priority (b)you cannot have a priority list,its variable and exceptionally vague ©you live in a singular world with plethora of other things.

Because we do not live in a utopia,but in a legoworld (my reference to this world) which can break easily and destruction is as much as it`s development.

I look down again and this time with a light mind and it is mesmerizing to see my lego world all lit up,its like flying above patches of constellations made by citylights.

This time we are pretty close to the ground and the last stroke of epiphany hit me again and leaves me with an open ended question,we shall soon be a very progressive gen Z instead of it getting amended to gen ZZZ.(smiles)

