Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2020


Lockdown and the productivity race

For a long time now, the coronavirus has been about the only major news worldwide. New statistics emerge every day, and India is on the path to become one of the top ten countries with the most covid cases.
Since the lockdown started, people have tried to find the most productive ways to spend this time at home. Reading, writing, drawing, cooking, online courses, webinars and internships being the most popular ones. And then there are some of us who are instead determined to set new records of wasting our time. From binge watching the office, to going through an entire cycle sleeping at different times throughout the day, and at other times just staring into space and thinking about what I have become, something that would be much at home in an enclosure of pandas at the zoo than in an apartment that is generally occupied by humans who do atleast some work throughout the day. But then I realise I might be wrong. What animal is lazier than the panda? Perhaps a polar bear that has gone into hibernation.
Now, after two months in lockdown, it appears the government has had enough. I woke up in the morning of the 18th of may to look out the window and found the roads teeming with vehicles. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sure, the lockdown restrictions were to be eased from now but were the people so restless now that they couldn’t wait another day in their house? It’s as if corona has disappeared suddenly from their minds, obliterating any memory or awareness of the danger that still exists. Everyday the numbers are higher than that of the day before. But now there’s no option either. Sooner or later, perhaps a choice had to be made to wait for it all to get over while the economy shatters, or to just get out and try to repair the damage caused, while exercising necessary precautions. But in a country like India, with such a population mistakes are bound to happen. The government is helpless now, and so are we. It’s precisely these incidents that make me believe we are indeed in a simulation, operated my some advanced race, subjected to their whims. It doesn’t seem too impossible to believe that someone is watching us from somewhere, finding our plight hilarious, showing off his latest creative stroke to his mates, having a good laugh together.
Such has been the history of this world. Absurd happenings, coincidences, miracles happening through the ages with no possible explanations. Statistically it has been deduced that these happenings are bound to happen, just given the number of experiences that we go through in our lifetime, but the human mind doesn’t wants to comprehend boring scientific explanations. It much prefers to revel in the excitement of conspiracy theories, just to be assured that there is a point to it all, that it isn’t just a series of events that came into being, that perhaps after a lifetime of misery, monotonous routines, and death, we might finally get to live, somewhere in a land far away.

